Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fav Thangs

Since I dont have a whole lot to say, I am going to keep it simple and just list a few favorite things of 2010!
  1. Using Netflix on the PS3
  2. Lady Gaga 's Tweets
  3. Carlos O Bryans - the better version of Kelly O's. My new fav hang out!
  4. Pink lip stick
  5. Lady Gaga's Monster Ball  Tour - best concert ever!
  6. Dresses and leggings
  7. Random road trips
  8. Photography
  9. Playing Singstar and taking videos of ourselves
  10. Reading the Twilight Saga

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh Boy!

...sometimes I spend way too much time thinking.
Pondering, dreaming, thinking, dwelling --- all that jazz.

"Snap out of it"...thats what I need to be told!

It get's me into trouble.


Sparkle and Shine

Well, prayer meeting was really awesome last night!!!

We often start with a few minutes of just playing music softly while people can reflect on their favourite Psalms or have some quiet time with God to maybe get back on track again or whatever they need. Then we go into some free worship.

As we were going to sing “We Will Dance” in C….I played C and C/F for a little while and found playing those 2 chords really work when you want to go into free worship. It allows people to create their own melodies as they sing the Psalms or whatever they feel led to do.

(I am writing this down now so I can note it for later!)

Another great chord progression is EM D C D with four- four timing. The sound is kind of moody, I love it. I *heart* minors!!!!

As I have mentioned before, I really enjoy our prayer meetings. They are completely unconventional. Its music and prayer intertwined and I find it’s a really effective way to keep the people engaged and most importantly allowing the Spirit to move freely. I also find it a wonderful time to develop skills. It’s pushed me out of the “box” (which I don’t want to be in!) and I feel it’s drawn me closer to God. The more you use your gifting, the more you feel closer to God.

I know the word “gifting” is very cliché in the “Christian World.” The last thing I want to be is in the “cliché” club. But, God’s gifts are very, very real and we’re told not to forsake them! He is the Father of Lights; every perfect gift comes from Him. I don’t have a Bible with me right now, but in the New Testament it talks about how we as humans, being evil, know how to give good gifts – how much more does your Father in heaven know how to give good gifts? He is the ultimate giver! He is the ultimate creator too, so you can’t get any better than that!

Santa needs his elves to make gifts, God creates and designs gifts and gives them himself!! =)

Have you ever thought about your gifting?

When I saw Darlene Zschech (Worship Leader, Hillsong Music Australia) at a woman’s conference in May 2003 she talked about gifting and calling. Often we tremble and dread at the thought of using our gifts because heaven forbid we have to see all of our belongings and move to the poorest, remote area of the world. For some, this is a reality. For others, you may never have to do that! Quite often, what you ENJOY doing, is what God has gifted you in!

For me, I LOVE music. I love listening to it, going to concerts, singing, playing the piano etc. It was all very natural for me to jump into that arena. Natural, but not easy. Haha. I remember being so scared of the microphone. But after my mom resigned her role as the worship leader, I had no choice to dive right in there, sink or swim! Thank God, I think I have been able to swim….haha. The microphone is no longer a fear, lol. And I feel most alive when I am behind my piano!

So are you still thinking about YOUR gifting?

Maybe you’re creative. Perhaps you love to scrapbook, or make cards, or scarves. Think of the people you could bless by handing them one of your home made cards, or giving a knitted scarf to someone in need!

Maybe you’re analytical! Perhaps you could challenge people and get their thought processes going! Maybe you could find the cure to cancer, or create a detailed plan that would help a person or business get organized.

There are so many opportunities – it is simply endless.

Not one gift is less significant than another. The only way they will be insignificant is if you choose not to use them!

You don’t have to be in the spotlight to shine!!!

Just shine wherever you are…..


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gardening in the Winter

I was beginning to reflect on this last year. The joys, the hurts, the new things, the old, the losses, and the gifts.

When I think about the difficult times in my life, I sometimes have to wonder how some of us make it to 80 years old before we find the grave.  Who hasn’t said, “I can’t take this anymore” or “I can’t deal with any more stress?”  We have all had points in our life where it looked so dark that it appeared there was no way out. Yet with our God given endurance and ability to evolve with the times, we as human beings have been able to overcome a multitude of trials and tribulations.

We can either be singing “Simple Plan” emo songs.....or dancing around like Richard Simmons.

It was almost one year ago (January 10th 2010) that our dear friend Carol drove herself to the E.R. because of severe abdominal pains. Within a week, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer – maybe weeks to months left to live. I remember looking at her face, and it was not the Carol I knew. Her skin was grey, she had no energy and her hope was gone. And then one miraculous day, a doctor said, wait, you need to fight this. There is hope that we can overcome this cancer by treating it aggressively. That word of hope changed her. She was literally a different person. Life was breathed into her.
Almost a year later, she is cancer free. She is up in Alberta looking to serve the homeless in anyway that she can, to join a local worship team and to work on a book about all her trials in her life. If there is one person who knows pain, it’s Carol. From a young age until now she has endured many health issues, more than you can imagine. And yet from her lips, she praises God for His kindness and faithfulness. It’s beautiful.

One “life coach” said, “live life with an attitude of gratitude”. I generally have a sceptical attitude about self help people, but that is a quote that is right on the mark. You see the more that you’re thankful for what you have in your life and the more you praise God, the more joy you will feel in your life. Genuine gratitude is something that needs to be worked on. Initially it may hurt.
For example. Thank you God for the warm house you have provided Brandon and I with – even if it includes a mouse that seems to be living in a wall in our kitchen.......that we can’t seem to catch. EVEN THEN, thank You God for shelter.

So thus I come to reflection upon the good things in my life. For example, going to Tulalip Resort in Seattle. We were absolutely spoiled. It was a beautiful relaxing time for us.
Celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary and our 10th year of being in love!
Turning 25....a whole quarter century!
For being taken care of, never being in need!
Life is good - God has really blessed us!

There are 10 days until Christmas. It’s the silliest thing. My house is completely decorated and yet I don’t feel the excitement for it that I used to have. Maybe too much build up? Maybe we need to have kids to feel that excitement again, I don’t know! Anyways, I do have most of my Christmas shopping done. That’s good news! I do need to make a midnight trip to Wal-Mart and Superstore tho! It’s a lot of fun to do the things you normally can’t do.

I am really excited for Boxing Day. This has been a tradition Bran and I have created about 5 years go. We get up really early – around 4:30 – and then go to Future Shop, Wal-Mart and Winners/Home Sense. It’s not really about the deals or the consumerism – although we do find some smoking deals! It’s more being lost in this crowd of people who are also willing to get out of bed early and wait in the cold. It’s a rush. There is this huge buzz of energy and it’s so fun to be apart of it.

I had a really awesome dream 2 nights ago.....

I dreamed that it was winter and so there was snow everywhere. I could see myself......I was wearing a sundress outside and gardening. I was digging away at the land, and planting flowers and fruit, and vegetables. I was so warm. Not from doing the work, but there was this warm breeze blowing on me and at one point I got up and just stood enjoying the breeze. And yet this was such a contradiction because there was a few feet of snow all around and people were bundled up head to toe as they walked by. I told Brandon about it because I felt there was significance to it. Some dreams you just kind of shake of and you say that was “funny” but this one kept circulating in my brain. Brandon felt that it meant that even tho things may seem cold and desolate, that I am still “sowing” into the ground and that the warmth is like the Holy Spirit.  I felt like it’s a message from God saying don’t give up.....even though it looks like nothing good can grow from this environment, He can make all things come together.

Well Im going to sign off now - time to go lead worship at prayer night! Wooohooo- fav night of the week!!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

14 Days Until Christmas!

I haven't had much time on the computer lately so I thought I should schedule a little time to update my blog! T'is the season to be busy, but t'is the season to also be enjoying this beautiful time of the year! Don't let it get so busy that you don't take time to appreciate everything around you!

A bomb squad from Vancouver is being called into our little humble city to check out a suspicious "package" on Victoria St.  I had a really nice coffee with my mom this morning at Frankly's and then as we were driving home we noticed 3 blocks were completely blocked off by cops. We wondered what was going on! Well, it'll be interesting to hear the outcome!

So anyways back to my coffee with my mom - it was really nice! We rarely get time to do things, just the two of us, so had a really nice time! We then did a little Christmas shopping too.

I bought my sister something superiorly AWESOME but I can't say what it is, in fear she may read this!!! :)  But it's super cool and exciting...yeahhh!!!

My house is filled with the aroma of turkey - MMM! It's our church banquet so we have a turkey cooking at both our house and at the church. I am really looking forward to it, it's going to be fun and of course,  YUMMY!!!!

Well g2g for now!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Lights

Last year I was watching a "teaser" video that Coldplay had put out on Youtube about their brand new song, "Christmas Lights."
Fast forward a year later and they FINALLY released the song and music video.
It was love at first listen. *Sigh* :)

Check it out here:

It's beautiful, honest and mesmerizing.

What can I say, Coldplay is amazing. Between their lyrics, and their beautiful music --- it just makes my spirit feel alive. :) They need to release a new C.D. that they can come back to Vancouver and I can see them again!!! :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fragrance of Christ

2 Corinthians 2:14-17 ( NKJV)
"14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? 17 For we are not, as so many,[b] peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ."

Thanks be to God - who ALWAYS leads us in triumph in Christ!!!
Paul didn't say we "might" be triumphant......or "maybe" we should give thanks in case we are triumphant. He said we are ALWAYS triumphant in Christ.

The next few verse speak about the fragrance of His knowledge being upon us.

If you're a woman who loves your house to smell yummy, you most likely have a diffuser sitting on your coffee table somewhere in your house. What it is, is a jar/vial of fragrant oil and there are a few wood diffuser sticks that come out. The oil travels up the sticks and scents your whole room.

This is what the fragrance of knowledge in Christ is like.

As we allow ourselves to be dipped in His word, in His love, in His knowledge, we begin to soak it up. The sweet aroma of knowledge is upon us.....and people around you will be able to sense God's presence with you.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Gaga Land

"We needed a pop star who could simultaneously celebrate the spirit of pop -- the spirit that makes everyone, no matter who or where they are in the world, stand up and start dancing when "Billie Jean" comes on the jukebox -- and deconstruct, and ultimately shift, the static notion of the pop star as a figure of blind worship and untouchable-ness. Gaga has put the glitter wand back into the hands of the audience. She's made the audience responsible for what they are viewing. No other pop singers are doing that, at least not on the level that Gaga is. No pop singer has done it on that level, ever, period" - Salon Magazine.

My sister and I saw Gaga perform in Vancouver August 24th 2010 at Gm Place (recently called Rogers Arena.) It was truly one of the greatest concerts I have ever been to in my whole entire life and I have a sneaky suspicion that I will look back at that experience for years to come.
I have never been to a concert where the artist works so hard to make the fans the focus of the night. At one point, she walked around the stage pointing a lit up torch at fans to see what they were wearing. She would comment about how beautiful they looked, how she was inspired by each of them.
I remember seeing her in an interview and she had stated that at the moment she didn't have a home because she wanted to spend all her money on costumes, props and sets for the concert.
Having seen her perform at the Monster Ball, it was VERY evident that blood, sweat and tears had gone into making this a one of a kind performance.

Throughout the night she made it clear that it was a gathering for the "out-cast"....that each person was beautiful and special the way they are no matter what...that we are all in this together. It created this strong bond not only with her but the rest of the audience. It was amazing, I really felt so encouraged and so inspired by her.

People can say she is crazy or that she is a bad role model but then I would say that they simply misunderstand her. She is completely raw talent. Her voice is spectacular. She writes her own lyrics and music. She dances, she plays instruments such as piano. Very talented. Her outfits are all created with a purpose behind them.

I have never been to a concert before that changed the sets so many times - and they were extravagant sets! And the outfits? I lost track!!!  I can't believe we only paid 90 dollars each!

It was just the most fun I have ever had, and I can't wait to see her again!!!
A truly beautiful, inspiring woman!

A Proud Little Monster,

P.S. These are all pictures I took at the concert. We were VERY close to the stage as you can see!! :)An experience of a lifetime and I got to share it with my best friend, my sister Jen!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's Thanksgiving today!
(....depending in which side of the border you live.)

Our American neighbors are celebrating in style with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in NY, turkey dinner, and going to bed with sweet dreams of Black Friday.

I am very blessed to be married to an American, and to have a wonderful "In-law" family. 

I am also very proud and blessed to be a granddaughter of an American solder who fought in World War II.  He was too young to join the army so he lied about his age and joined anyways. He was a true patriot and taught me alot about love for your country.

While bed ridden yesterday due to my back, I watched President Obama issue a presidential pardon for 2 turkeys named apple and cider. It was quite hilarious, I had no idea they did that......and that's what you miss while your busy at work!!!

It's hard to believe we're just over a month away from 2011. Of course as you think of the New Year, your led to think of new resolutions and goals for the next year. I have no idea what is in store for Bran and I. I do hope and pray that God would open doors for us and that it would be an exciting year. In the Bible it talks about God restoring what the locusts stole and I pray that 2011 would be the year of restoration. I really lost some good years between 2007-2009 being so consumed with anxiety. In March of 2009 I was able to get it under control as God had delivered me from fear. I am so thankful that I was set free because you can hardly call it "life" when you're feeling like your going to die every day.

Certainly there are a few things I still need to work out. Such as time management, lol. Not over-doing it. etc. But those are things that can be corrected.

I am really excited for Christmas. And if it keeps up the way it is, we're going to DEFINITELY be having a white Christmas. It's so beautiful outside. It's been snowing non-stop since yesterday!

Well, I am going to go lie down. Back is still killing me. I finally gave in and have an appointment at 1:00 to see the chiropractor. Boooo.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This is SO good

Psalm 138:3
"On the day I called, You answered me;You made me bold with strength in my soul."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Best Friendies


And...let's top it off with the fact that I can barely move. I hurt my back by simply lifting my head to see what time it was this morning. This was immediately followed by a "freak out" in which I began to wonder how I was ever going to get out of bed and imagined myself paralyzed because of one stupid move. Eventually, after 2 ibuprofen and somehow maneuvering myself against the wall and the bed, I got out of  bed! It hurts to sit, to lie down, to walk, but at least I have feeling in all 4 limbs! Hypochondriac? Yes!

It's a beautiful -17 outside (-27 if you factor in the wind chill.)  I am glad to be warm in my comfy clothes and with a heated home! I remember when we first moved into this house, our furnace barely (if at all) worked. I remember trying to scrapbook but having to stop because my fingers were ice cold. Try scrapbooking with gloves, it doesn't work. I've tried.  Approximately $10,000.00 later, we have a nice new energy efficient furnace.  It keeps us warm in the winters, and nice and cool on the hot summer days! I thank God we had the funds to pay for everything cash at the time.  That wouldn't be happening now, hahaha!!!

So the pic above is me and my sis enjoying our first REAL snow fall. Yes we had a little snow before but nothing was sticking. Nov 20th we had TONS of snow, it was so beautiful! It's all still here, but I would like more. Seattle totally got snowed in!! I was watching the Seattle news and there was about 25 vehicles abandoned on the highway, cars sliding down streets while hitting other parked vehicles. Me and my warped mind, desperately wanted a piece of this action in Kamloops.....

Well, I am going to go *attempt* to lie down....I feel like I have been sleeping for 3 days solid! Good grief..............


Saturday, November 20, 2010

What A Glorious Day

I woke up to the most glorious sight - fresh, powdery, snow. *Smile*

Yesterday was a very productive day. I made a huge batch of chili and hamburger soup. I recently came into a wealth of Ziploc containers so I felt inclined to fill them with delicious, hot food. Food that comforts you in the cold of the winter. :)
Oh and guess what - no preservatives or road kill!

Today is my daddy's Birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best daddy ever!! :) We're going to go out to eat (forget the name) so no dishes or cooking tonight! I bought him the new Call of Duty Black Ops....tempted to keep it for me.
REALLY tempted to open it right now.
But must resist.

My hair appointment with Ken is today, wootwoot! :) He is amazing!!!!!  I always look forward to getting my hair cut - he always knows what I want without me even saying anything. He just moved into a larger salon this month so I am excited to see what that looks like! 

Also apparently Suzy Shier has 40% of all their clothes, so I just may need to drop in there to take a peak....hmmm. :)

Anyways, here's some pics:

A batch of Chili and Hamburger Soup
Fresh Snow Fall

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Umbrella (Singing in the Rain)

Bravo, Chris Martin's wife!!!  You done good!
I may even be obliged to address you by your name now due to your outstanding performance on Glee. I've enjoyed your movies but for the most part I've respected you simply for marrying Chris Martin, the lead singer of the most stellar band on earth, Coldplay. The combination of their soul stirring lyrics and his voice (particularly the high falsetto) is pure's like water quenching your thirst.

Anyways, Gwyneth (that was my first time addressing you as you and not as Chris's wife), you proved that you're sassy, fierce and a great singer!!!  Please return to Glee in the future!!!

For those who didn't see it, click on the link below:
LISTEN: "Umbrella/Singing in the Rain" Glee Mash-Up

Coldplay Fan + Glee Fan  = Gwyneth's Fan

Monday, November 15, 2010

Insert Title Here

Drinking eggnog from a wine glass is magnificently magnificent.
Truly, it is!

Before I started to write this post, I was trying to come up with some catchy title. A popular phrase? A funny quote? As titles were circulating through my brain, a thought occurred to me. It was an Oprah "Aha" moment (I resent referring to that!) I was searching so hard for a title, that I really wasn't putting much thought into the content of the post.
It was at that moment that I noticed the parallel between posting......and real life.

We want the titles, and we want them NOW.
Boss. Mom. Superstar. World's Greatest Hockey Player. President. Etc.

There's alot to gain with titles.
For some, it's walking into a room and having automatic approval from at least half the public.
For others, it's money, fame, friends, power etc.

For alot of us, we're not willing to put in the blood, sweat and tears to get there. We observe those who have gone before us and want all that they had sacrificed for, and we want it now.

The people with the greatest titles are not where they are because they desired fame above all things. These people were born leaders, given vision and willing to do whatever it took to succeed.  The road was not easy. In fact for many, the road never existed before them and they had to do all the work themselves without any guarantee that anything would work out for them.  They did not strive for the title, but for the fulfillment of walking out their purpose in life.

Which type of person are you?

The person who would compromise their moral and spiritual beliefs just to be king?


The person who would sacrifice all they have for what they believed in? A person.....who a title would be created for.



Saturday, November 13, 2010

Stay A Little While!

....Just in case you've come to browse a while, I've added some music for you! :) Too bad this is virtual, I would offer you a cup of coffee/tea while your here! :) 

Music will be updated weekly! 

This week brought to you by, John Mayer! Represent, yo!


I Love My Granny!

Flowers from my Granny for my Birthday ---  was such a nice and welcomed surprise!!!

"Discmans" and Paparazzi

I spent some time today putting a few cd's onto our ITouch....such an awesome little gadget. I was thinking back to my high-school days where I thought it was cool to own a Sony disc-man. So you have this big clunky disc-man, and then you also have to ensure if you want more music, to carry a few CD's with you. It was so inconvenient. However, music was important to have, so thus you did what you had to.

Fast forward a few years later, and you can now load pretty much every CD you own onto this little IPOD with room yet for apps, movies and tv shows.

Last Christmas we bought a Harmon Kardon IPOD should hear the sound! It's amazing. Crank up a Gaga song, and the bass will shake the house! I use it pretty much everyday. Create a quick play list of songs, crank it up and la dee da dee da!!!!

I just watched a documentary by Adrien Grenier (Entourage) on the world of the paparazzi. Specifically, it was focused on a 14 year old boy who engaged in the paparazzi world. He addressed the issues of why they do what they do, why the world is so obsessed with celebrity and how fame changes people. It was pretty interesting, caught it randomly on HBO this afternoon.
Of course, which song came on during credits?
Gaga's "Paparazzi" --- obviously! lol.

Well, gotta go attend to some house work!


Thursday, November 11, 2010


I just don't know!
I don't know.

All I know, is that I don't know.


I don't know about anything.
I don't know who I am. Where I am going. Or what I should do.
I don't know what's real and what's counterfeit.
I don't know when to look the other way and when to fight.
I don't know when to confront, and when to just offer a shoulder.
I don't know why people act the way they do.
I don't know why people love even when they have been hurt.
I don't know why I am where I am today.
I don't know how much longer I can work in a job that shreds the inner parts of me.
I don't know why I feel alone, when I have people around me.
I don't know why I don't feel God the way I used to....

....and lastly, I don't know how Bran puts up with me! :) But I'm glad he does!

It's just a world of "dont know's" - and perhaps these questions need to be left unanswered.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


A few days ago I was working on some music/lyrics and and the verse from Psalms in which David says, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me" came to mind. Particularly the part when David asks for the restoring of joy that comes with salvation.

It is SO important that the joy of salvation is restored to us. It's living that first moment over again where you have found Jesus and everything in this world has grown dim compared to the desire to know Him.
It's having your cares stripped away and replaced with peace.

Knowing Jesus isn't boring.
Nor is it just law and religion.

In Psalm 16:11 it says, "You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever."

In HIS presence, there is FULLNESS OF JOY. :)
In HIS right hand, there are PLEASURES FOREVER!

So back to the first paragraph, I was just hit with the fact that we (I) need to start back at that first place....desiring a clean heart, a right spirit and the joy of salvation. Coming to the place of repentance and humility.
It's going back to square one.

In Psalms 42:1-2 it says, "As the deer pants for streams of water,so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.When can I go and meet with God?"

This verse is where I am at right now in my life.
I am on the verge of breaking, I am tired, I am desperate. My soul thirsts for the living God.
WHEN can I got and meet with God! :)


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Be Still My Heart....

Call of Duty Black Ops comes 11:59 on my Birthday.....EEEEEEEPPPP!! (Technically, it's out on the 9th, but they are advertising the 8th because...well you know...)

I still need to finish Modern Warfare 2. It seems that whenever I actually get time to sit down and play, I spend all my time doing online play instead of completing missions.

Pow pOW!

Peanut Butter Birthday Time!

In a mere 2 days, I will be 25 years old. By no means is this a traditional birthday milestone, however, I am declaring it to be special because of the following reasons:

1. Dairy Queen had its 25th anniversary in the summer.
2. 25 divided by 5 is 5. My favourite number is 5.
3. 25 is ¼ of a century.
4. I will be half my dad's age until November 20th and I will be half my mom’s age when she turns 50 in April 2011.
5. Just celebrating our 5th wedding Anniversary back in August, I have been married for 1/5 of my lifetime.

I have always believed a birthday cannot fully be celebrated on only one day. It must be enjoyed for the full month. Hence, I shall proclaim November my birthday month.

There are a few perks about being born in November. My favourite perk is that Christmas is just around the corner and so I decorate my house the first week of November. Birthday pictures will look spectacular with all of the Christmas lights and decorations! I have had a few birthdays with snow and that has made my heart happy. I love snow. Snow is happiness falling from the sky. LOL. (I know, super corny, but it’s true.) My birthday is far enough from Christmas that I get to enjoy my gifts and not feel like the 2 occasions are squished into one. My birthday is close enough to Christmas that there isn’t this let down after you have opened your gifts. In approximately one month, you just get to open more! Christmas is not about opening presents, but its sure fun!

Speaking of Christmas, I decorated my house last night. Last night marked 50 days until Christmas. Wootwoot! I bought some new indoor lights from Wal-Mart and they look spectacular!!!!

On Saturday, I re-arranged my whole living room. I think it looks a lot more warm and welcoming. So my challenge last night was to “Christmasify” my house, but without making it look tacky. When you whip out your Christmas decorations, it’s so easy to want to plop decorations wherever there is a free space. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who have little knick-knacks and trinkets everywhere. It’s so cluttered looking, and just......tacky. Ha-ha. I suppose there’s a little more grace during Christmas, but you better put your trinkets away on January 1st!!!

I can’t wait until the time change on Sunday the 7th. The obvious advantage is that you gain an hour. The not so obvious advantage, is that the evenings become dark earlier. I LOVE IT! I love leaving work at 4:30 and it getting dark outside. You get to see the Christmas lights, and see the snow light up the sky.......and its all so wonderful!


Thursday, November 4, 2010

A life of Glee or Theme Music. To be or not to be.

Somehow my mind always wanders back to that one episode of Family Guy where Peter Griffin wishes that he had theme music for his day to day laugh. His wish is granted and for every footstep he takes, there is music that moves with him.

I wonder, what would be preferable.
Having theme music like Peter Griffin, or spontaneously breaking into song through out the day like an episode of Glee. .

I would love for life to exactly like Glee. For that to happen however, you would have to have the world around you perfectly aligned. It would require science.
You see, the moment a song comes to you after you have experienced some emotion (love, happiness, hate, hurt etc.); the band must instantaneously appear behind you. Without talking or looking at them, they will know the key, the rhythm, which instruments to play, when to come in, when to end and if you will have an instrumental break.
Once the band’s details have been worked out, somehow, the people around you (both friends and strangers) must know which lines they will sing, where to harmonize, and when to not sing so that you have the spotlight.
They must also be equipped with dancing skills. They will know exactly which choreographed movements to use for each song.

Phewf. It’s a lot of work. Discussing this has made me decide that I would much rather live my life like an episode of Glee than just walking around with theme music.

Glad we have established this point.

Anyways, unless I have billions of dollars and a ridiculous team of superheroes such as scientists, musicians, dancers, etc – I think that none of the above will occur.

So, plan B:
I will happily be content to just sit at my piano day after day after day and let whatever I am feeling come out in music and song.
I will also happily be content with throwing on a CD (well, those are becoming extinct. Let’s say, putting my IPOD on play) and blasting it nice and loud!

Music to me is the equivalent of what donuts are to Homer Simpson.
Pure, beautiful, bliss.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cinematic Adventure 2.0

I do the things I know not to do.

Stupid Paranormal Activity 2......LOL. :)

Okay so it wasn't that bad.

I mean, it's scarier than the first one, BUT if you have your ears plugged and your eyes covered for 97% of the movie, you should come out with bells on!

Had a great time with Jen!

Pros and Cons of Nothing to do

Today is Monday, and this means I have to work in an office where I have nothing to do. So, I have come up with a list of benefits and draw backs of working in this sort of an office.
By writing this, I have also been able to make my day go just a little bit faster!

Benefits of a Slow Job.
® Time to clean out the overflowing e-mail inbox. I am proud to report that I have 14 e-mails, which is down from the 165 I had. That’s an approximate 85% decrease in e-mail gobbledygook.
® Make up on lost sleep. The challenge I foresee with this is that one needs to master the art of sleeping with one’s eyes open while appearing to be awake and functioning on the job site. Once this is mastered, one can gain an additional 7.5 hours of sleep per day. One can complement this with an hour of lunch at home while watching a doctor of your choice. Phil or Oz.
® Appreciate Your Surroundings. Quite often in a slow job, one will peer around the room in hopes of seeing some exciting. In doing so, you may be able to count the number of tiles on the ceiling, how many chairs are in the waiting room and quite possibly, how much dust is sitting on the floor boards.
® Listen to the Tunes. In some offices, radios are allowed and therefore help alleviate boredom. Unfortunately, B100 is usually the office choice and thus you are subject to hear artists such as Barenaked Ladies, Nickleback and Taylor Swift over and over again. As much as I have disdain for those artists, I still think its probably better then silence.
® Multitude of Time. You will have time to dream, recall memories, play back conversations, make “to-do” lists, plan the next weeks worth of meals, reflect on decisions and dwell on how bored you are.

Drawbacks of a Slow Job:
® Boredom Coma. It was noted in the benefits section that one could gain sleep on the job. However, If one is not careful, one could fall into what I describe as a, “Boredom Coma.” It only takes 5 minutes for boredom to kick in and overcome all your senses leaving you unable to focus, confused, and tired. Frustration is also a pre-symptom of the Boredom Coma. One can only be wakened from this by hearing a familiar song on the radio that stimulates the senses. In a case study done Oct 25th 2010 at 10:02 A.M., writer heard “Speed of Sound” by Coldplay on the radio and was instantly brought back to life.
® Zero Productivity. You will be asked to do tasks that are mindless and don’t matter to the world, and therefore you will have no satisfaction at the job place. You will never be challenged, feel like you’ve tackled a mountain or be able to do a victory dance over the work you had put in.
® Clock Watching. You will literally become a clock watcher. You may watch all forms of clocks. Computer clocks. Wall clocks. Cell phones. Watches. Reception Phone Screen clocks. Radio djs announcing the time. Etc. A clock watcher’s life is not glamorous; it’s full of pain and hardship.

Another benefit to working at a slow job, is the ability to write this crap!

Peace out.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bieber Fever

(Me, Jen, Amy and Brad at Bieber - Oct 19 2010 - Rogers Arena, Van, BC)

"I want to go to there."
-Liz Lemon (30 Rock)

LOVE that quote.

So another weekend, come and gone. I must say, in my in-productivity, I have been productive! For the most part, I think that I have gained back the sleep I lost from driving home from Vancouver late after the Bieber concert. Did I mention I worked the following morning? Yuck! .....But so worth it!!

Bieber was awesome.

For those who have been living in a cave, I am referring to THE Justin Bieber, pop superstar and teen heart throb. Teehehe. It was such an awesome concert. I actually didn't realize how talented he was. Singing, dancing (like Usher/MJ), playing multiple instruments like guitar, drums and piano. I think we only spent 60 dollars each and it was well worth it.
AND, I feel like I got to see him before he officially transitioned into a man, so how awesome is that! Wootwoot!
There were 2 opening shows at first, and I didnt have a clue who they were. There were aaaigh dawg.
But then SURPRISE, Sean Kingston opened the show! And he brought DOWN the roof! (Holla!) I totally did not know he was going to be there! He was pretty entertaining. Especially when he began to DJ some songs like "G-6" and "DJ got us falling in love" was like a dance party. So fun!
Then Justin came out, and woweee, that was soooooo freakin fun! Favorite songs of the night include, "Baby" (but of course, duhhh!)......"Overboard"........."Eenie Meenie" etc. Love him.
I'll be definitely seeing him in concert again..........fa sho!!

They showed some videos of Justin when he was a little kid and it was so cute. I think he was 4 and he's like "I want to be on TV mommy." Hahahha.

Well, parents are coming over for dinner. We are making steak and other thingies. Gotta go prepare the house for company!



Ciao for now.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

62 Days 'til Christmas

"OOOOh the weather outside is weeeeaaaather!"
-Paul Rudd (Forgetting Sarah Marshall)


62 days until Christmas. How fabulous is that! Here is my first attempt of welcoming in the season:

I REALLY love lazy Saturday mornings. Just youtubing music videos and drinking English Breakfast Tea - yummm!!

I remember when I was younger, absolutely LOVING watching music videos. I would have the VCR all ready just so I could tape my favorite songs like anything by Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys, and most importantly, Celine Dion. Since then, I would say Much Music hardly plays videos, but I did discover they still do at some points during the day. I have set my PVR to record the show and then I watch the videos with no commercials, LOOOVE IT! Brings me back to old times. Discovered some great songs.........and some not so great songs.

The same goes to listening to the top 40 countdown on the radio. Me and Jen would have our cassettes ready to tape songs so that we had mix tapes! One song we always wanted on our tapes was "500 Miles" by Proclaimers. Haha. We always thought it was a funny song, I still do!

I feel like goign to a movie today, but I highly doubt that I will. Paranormal Activity 2 is out. I know better then to see it,but I probably will at some point. Shoooot! :) Also would like to see the Social Network and Jackass 3.

We saw "The Town" a few weeks back with Ben Affleck. Pretty sweet movie. Reminds me alot of the Departed. Love Boston accents!! :) BTW I am not saying that is what makes the Town similar to the Departed..........FYI. ;)

Well, thats it for now.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

One of my favorite things to do in life is to copy Jason Derulo's voice when he sings "Jaaaaaaason Deeeeerulo" in auto-tune in the beginning of his songs....teeehee

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Time Has Come

Is it creepy/stalker-ish to say that I think Rick Pino is my mentor when he doesn't even know I exist? :P LOL. I have him as a Facebook friend and I always find his status updates so profound.

Today's status says,
"God, deliver us from the wide path of a watered-down western Christianity that we may walk on the narrow road of true Biblical discipleship!" - Rick Pino

What a great word!!!

John 4:23 says: "
A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers."

When John Refers to "worshipers" - I don't believe he is just referring to those who sing peppy worship songs at church once a week. It requires so much more then that. It requires a heart that longs for Jesus and is willing to forsake all else for Him. We must turn our back on forfeit spirituality and false gods. We must pray for eyes to see what is real and what is good. Eyes to discern what is of the Lord.

I don't want watered down western Christianity.

The "churches" message has been a self-help message. How to be a better person. How to live your dream life. etc. etc. etc.
We have forgotten the simple, beautiful truth. The truth of which is Jesus Christ. The son of God.

Acts 4:10-12
Then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. He is "'the stone you builders rejected,which has become the capstone.a]">[a]'b]">[b] 12Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

Anyways, these are just a few thoughts that came to my mind this morning.

I didn't go to work today, still not feeling very good. :( Anyways, will go get some rest.

Bless you!


Sunday, October 17, 2010


I am not entirely sure what I am going to write about, but I ache to write right now. It gets my mind off the world.

I feel really sick to my stomach right now *barf.* Not too sure why. Perhaps my dear friend stress has come back into my life. We were friends in the past, but now 'he' has worn out his welcome!!!

Speaking of friends, let me introduce you to my dear sweet friend, 'fake eyelashes.' I tell you no lie, they are an instant face lift, and when you are nearing 25, you want a face lift. ;) I was actually inspired when I watched Lady Gaga perform in Vancouver. She had a beautiful sweep of black eyeliner way past the crease of her eyes complimented by these thick beautiful eyelashes. I have been hooked ever since. Application is quite easy actually, after you have done it a few times. The first time I tried to apply them, I think I ended up throwing the lashes out without even wearing them because they got all glued over and messed up. You can wear pretty much no makeup except for these glorious lashes, and you'll look like a diva. I wasnt wearing them for a long time because they are sooo dern expensive, but I found out they sell them at Winners for cheap. I just bought a 5 packer for only 7.99. Thank you Winners, you saved the day once again.

The Justin Bieber concert approaches fast. I shall be seeing this young lad in 2 sleeps and a 3.5 hr drive. Whooopeee! I think seeing this perfectly coiffed kid fast tracks me into the 'cougar' category. To commemorate this wonderful coming of age, I have purchased this beautiful gold diamond encrusted jaguar necklace. It is absolutely fabulous and I plan to wear it to the Bieber concert. Muhahah!! Raaawwwrrr!

Alas this shall be the last concert of 2010 for me. Unless by some miracle some other artist comes to Kamloops or thereabouts. :( Lady Gaga was outstanding, I wish I could go back to there.

In the last week, I have had a little family of mice sneak into my house which has been very upsetting. Bahhhhhh I hate it. I have named them Alejandro, Roberto and Fernando after Lady Gaga's song. Yes, they are a little gang of Mexican mice. I think only Alejandro is alive. Don't call my name Alejando. o_o

Well that should be all for meooowww...


Thursday, October 14, 2010


What I love about David in the Bible is that he was so real.
One minute talking about trusting God, the next minute crying that he was alone and scared for his life, the next minute singing hymns to God.

I identify with him.

Right now, I just feel so frustrated with people.
Completely intolerant of others stupidity and ignorance.
Tired of apathy.
Un-trusting of other's promises.
Lonely, but not wanting to talk to anyone.

And yet in the same breath that I say those things, in this breath I say that I know God is with me and I am not alone - and I believe it with my heart.

I dont have a choice not to believe, because He is my only hope.

Sometimes I just want to scream, Bahhhhhhhh! Why are there so many crazy people in this world, specifically, in my world. I reject their insanity. I reject their false thinking. I reject their ways of life.
No wonder this earth is not our home......

Monday, October 11, 2010

Your Love Leads to Repentance

"When I'm with my daddy, my innocence is restored."
-Rick Pino

The lyrics above are from a song called Zerubbabel by Rick Pino. The lyrics are actually quite profound because the Bible talks about how God's love leads us to repentance.

It's falling into Abba's arms.
It's spending time with Him and enjoying His love.
Reading, praying, listening. In his presence, there is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore.
The more time we spend with Him, the less we want to do the things that hurt Him. The more that we get to know Him intimately, the less we want to know the things of the world that would separate us from His love.

Too long we have believed that we will become holy by our striving and hard work.

Don't focus your attention on "not doing" but on "doing."
The more you are with Your father, the more you will be like Him.

Spend time with daddy.

"In Your Presence" by Jason Upton just came on - that was awesome! :) He sings, "nothing really satisfies, like when You speak my name. So tell me that You'll never leave and everything will be OK. In Your presence, all fear is gone. In Your presence, it's where I belong."



Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. Psalm 7:17
    I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.

  2. Psalm 28:7
    The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
  1. Psalm 30:12
    that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever.

  2. Psalm 35:18
    I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among throngs of people I will praise you.
    Psalm 35:17-19 (in Context) Psalm 35 (Whole Chapter)
  3. Psalm 75:1
    [ For the director of music. To the tune of "Do Not Destroy." A psalm of Asaph. A song. ] We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds.
    Psalm 75:1-3 (in Context) Psalm 75 (Whole Chapter)
  4. Psalm 100:4
    Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

  5. Psalm 105:1
    Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.

  6. Psalm 106:1
    Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
    Psalm 106:1-3 (in Context) Psalm 106 (Whole Chapter)
  7. Psalm 106:47
    Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.
    Psalm 106:46-48 (in Context) Psalm 106 (Whole Chapter)
  8. Psalm 107:1
    [ BOOK V : Psalms 107-150 ] Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
    Psalm 107:1-3 (in Context) Psalm 107 (Whole Chapter)
  9. Psalm 107:8
    Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men,

  10. Psalm 107:15
    Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men,

  11. Psalm 107:21
    Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men.

  12. Psalm 107:31
    Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chapters of October

Happy October!

We're 9 days (nearly 10) into the month and so much has happened in such a short little week.

Last Sunday one of my co-workers was killed in car accident on the Coquihalla near Merritt. I was so shocked by the news. Les was a beautiful red headed woman who lit up the room when she walked in. She wore pink fearlessly and aways drew little pictures for me on the data entry she would submit. Life is so precious, it's something we should never take for granted.

Sunday night Bran and I attended River City Church and really enjoyed it. I saw so many old friends. Some I havent seen in years, some in months. It was really refreshing and somewhat odd to go to Church and not be racing around trying to get things ready for the service. They had a special speaker from Washington come in because it was their one year church anniversary. After his message there was a time of prayer. Bran and I stuck around for a while but then after about half an hour we thought it was about time to go. Just as we were about to leave, the pastor, Keith, grabbed our shoulders and said he wanted to pray for us and that he had a word for us. He said in exactly 3 months something big was going to happen for us and that we have 3 months to prepare and get ready for it. This was on October 3rd. He told us to write it down, so here I am writing it down. I totally believe God has a plan for us.

Part of what Pastor Keith was talking about was not always having "no" to bad things, but also having to say "no" to some good things which we dont always think of. "Good" is not always God's plan - he is greater than that. Bran had a job offer in Vanouver and we really had to pray about it and weigh out the benefits and consequences. Alot of it was really good. He would be paid substantially more and it would be a nice change for us to get out of Kamloops. But, after praying. it didn't feel completely right so he decided to turn down the offer.

We turned down that offer because we have to believe there is a purpose for us matter how discouraged and alone we sometimes feel!

Tonight we had Jan and Coral over tonight - what a great encouraging couple! They have had years of experience in ministry and have been really wonderful to talk to. We feel like we are all on the same page with things.

I can't quite say yet, but I had an opportunity and I dove into it. We'll see what happens. TBA.

I went to Johnny Reid's concert on Tuesday night with my mom and sister. He is a spectacular performer. There was such a sense of peace and calmness at the arena. His whole theme was a "place called love" and it actually felt like taht there. No one from the audience was rowdy or out of line. It was like the spirit of God was resting in there, so unusual, so nice. He is a Scottish country singer, who would have thunk? His music hardly sounds country. If it is country, it's like its blended with R and B with the sultry voice of Rod Stewart. I will definitely be seeing this classy dude again!

Speaking of concerts, I will be seeing concert numero three on October 19th. The Bieber-meister. I can't quite say I am a cougar, I am thinking a jag-u-ar would be a good name. Hahaha. Its going to be in Vancouver. We were just there to see Gaga!

A few weeks ago I was writing that I was feeling kind of isolated and lonley. Well, things are so much better now. I have got in contact with an older friend again. Not that we have ever stopped being friends but sometimes it has been hard to stay in contact. So thats been fun. Also, hanging out with the posse..........some of my sisters friends. We have alot of fun together. I would, however, love to have a friend that was exactly like me. Hahahahhaha!! :) Okeee........not possible. Well maybe, but probably not going to happen! Anyways, I thank God for good friends!!

I just think BRANDON is the bee's knees. He is the greatest husband on the earth. I love him so much and so proud of all he has accomplished, and how he treats me ;) We are a great match for each other, I can;t imagine being with anybody else. God has really blessed me!!

My grandparents were over last weekend. We all had a great time together. Spent some time with them at my mom's house and then had them over for dinner at our house. Made chicken cacciatore. So easy when you got yourself a crock pot! We received 2 of them as wedding gifts and they have been used so often!!

WELL thats all for now.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Present

It's a beautiful day..........for me to clean my house! I've got the tunes cranked, the windows opened, and ......a few piles of laundry for me to fold.

Hope to fit a walk into my day, as it's actually not raining. 2010 has been a year of rain for Kamloops making me believe at times that I am living on the coast and not the interior!

Hot dry summer of Kamloops, where wast thou?
We had so much rain without even the satisfaction of loud thunder and flashes of lightening that sends you under your bed so fast with your hands around your ears....


Anyways, today is a beautiful day.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


"Where will we turn when our world falls apart and all the treasures stored in our barns can't buy the kingdom of God, and who will we praise when we praised all our lives men who build kingdoms and build fame but heaven does not know their names, and what are we going to fear when all the remains is God on the throne with a child in his arms and love in His eyes and the sound of his heart cries TAKE US WAY BEYOND RELIGION, WAY BEYOND THE MINDS OF MEN. "

-Jason Upton

Monday, September 6, 2010

Arise, Mighty Warrior

When the weight of the world becomes too much to bear, sometimes you just need to shed your skin and break free from expectations and responsibilities.

Pull the curtain aside and step through, have a seat and breathe. Allow yourself to ENJOY life.

I don't have many people in my life who really understand the path my husband and I are on - the path of being in ministry.

I don't have many friends in my life who could recognize when the stress has become so unbearable that I couldn't function day to day. (I had them fooled. In fact, I had myself fooled.)

I resent that I have been seen as "busy." To me, "busy" implies that you don't place importance on relationships.

Sometimes I just wish someone had pulled me aside, and asked me if I was OK.
Sometimes I just wish someone had said they had recognized that I was fading I didn't have to go through such a dark, low time in my life.

God has healed me, and is continuing to heal open wounds. As I rise in His strength, I will use those hard times as a testimony of His grace in my life.

I don't know much, all I know is that God is faithful.

He is my portion.

He is the glory and the lifter of my head.

He is my present help in time of need.

He is my Savior, Redeemer and strong tower of refuge.

When I feel alone, or misunderstood, He is who I will run to.

I really didnt intend on writing on this, but here you go.
Obviously, it was on my heart tonight.
Maybe I'll sleep well now.... ;)

Love, Nay-Nay

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Eat. Pray. Love.

Well, I saw "Eat.Pray.Love" at the theatre Sunday night with Natashaw. What an excellent movie!

I have to admit I nearly brushed it off because Oprah had totally gone wild over the book. Knowing Oprah, the book was some sort of self help, new age, spiritual book....

Then I saw the preview and it really stirred something within me. I dont know if it was Julia Robert's endearing laugh and smile, or just the storyline about a woman in search for something MORE in life.
It was both. ;)

I often feel like I am caught in the rat race of life. We are all thrown titles; each title coming with obligations and responsibilities. It's so easy to take on that title, and then suffocate because the passion of life has been sucked dry out of you.

Anyways, this movie about Elizabeth Gilbert (the author) was extraordinary. One woman's search for peace and wholeness, purpose and passion, forgiveness and healing --> VERY inspiring.

It's hard to return to the day-to-day life after watching it!

But I pray that God would open doors in my life for incredible opportunities. I don't want to live a dull, auto-piloted life. :)

Speaking of which, I saw GAGA last Tuesday night (Aug 24,2010) and the concert was FREAKING INSPIRING!! Amazing. Mind blowing. Details to come soon!


Thursday, August 26, 2010


I was driving home from Merritt on Sunday (Aug 22, 2010) listening to a mix of Coldplay songs.

Just when I looked up to see a rainbow, Chris Martin was singing "For You I'd bleed myself dry" from the song "Yellow."

Felt like a love song from Jesus.....


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


When I grow up, I want to be just like Gaga. ;)

Friday, August 20, 2010

"When a Tornado Meets a Volcano."

Today is me and Bran's 5th wedding anniversary! It's hard to believe that 5 years ago today, we committed our lives to each other in front of friends, family and God. It's hard to believe how much has happened in those 5 years, and how different our lives are compared to what I had ever imagined.

5 years ago:
  • I was 19 and Bran was 24. (I am now 24 and he is 29!)
  • He was driving an 88 Oldsmobile and I was driving a 93' Ford Escort.
  • I had only been at my job at Interior Health for about a year.
  • My parents were still married.
  • Bran preached once a month.
  • I was too shy to sing in front of the church.
  • We were living the basement of my parent's home.
  • Bran wasn't a permanent resident of Canada and therefore could not work. I had to sponsor him and we had to go through a long paperwork journey.
  • I still had my "N" to drive!
That's all I can really come up with right now!

It's funny because we didn't have much, and definitely didn't have a promise of much because Bran was not able to work because he was not a permanent resident yet. Somehow, we knew we would be OK. Bran always told me that when he was called into ministry, he always felt God promised him that He would take care of his family. And it has come to pass.

What has changed since 2005?
  • We bought a house! It's more than enough for us - it's home!
  • Brandon is full time pastor!
  • I am still at the same job at IHA - however, a permanent employee, not casual!
  • Bought a 2008 Saturn Astra!
  • I am leading a worship team of AWESOME people.
  • We are experiencing the grace and favour of God every day.
It seems to me that sometimes we are living pay cheque to pay cheque, but we have encountered God's faithfulness. Never once have we ever had to use the food bank. Never once have we been late with our mortgage or car payment. God has been so good to us.

There are some things I thought would be different by now. I thought by 2010 we might have a kid or two. I thought I might be doing hair dressing instead of being an admin assistant. I thought my parents would still be happily in love with each other. I thought we might be living in a tiny little apartment or really old run down house. I thought I would still be friends with some people, and not with others. I thought I would still be in contact with all my family members.

I look forward to the future.

It has been a very wonderful, fun filled, love embraced life time.

Brandon is the most sweetest, awesome, hottest, bestest husband - and can't wait for the all that God has in store for us in the next couple years!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Addition Music Selections....

Well since I dont really have much to say at le moment, I am going to provide you with some NEW music suggestions:

1. Cory Asbury "Let Me See Your Eyes." This CD is so musically diverse and creative - I LOVE IT! He comes from the International House of Prayer and I am so in awe of how this CD was put together.
"Beloved" is a cool song with rap lyrics and a catchy melody singing verses from the Songs of Solomon. Favorite line: "My beloved is beautiful. Dazzling and Excellent."
"Always Faithful" was a spontaneous prophetic song recorded in the studio.
He pushes the limits using rap, pop, r & b, softer songs, etc - and blending them all into very sincere, genuine WORSHIP songs proving that worship music can be found in any genre of music....not just the old school peppy songs!
Definitely a favorite!

2. Misty Edwards "Fling Wide." Another artist hailing from International House of Prayer....this live album is sooooooo AWESOME. I think this is her best work yet. Favorite songs include "With Arms Wide Open" which is like a narrated song in which she delicately asks what is love? And then sees Jesus on the cross with his arms wide open, calling out, You shall love me. So amazing. Other favorites include "Fling Wide" and "Rend the Heavens."

3. Rick Pino "The Narrow Road." You can never go wrong with a Rick Pino album. This dude PUSHES THE LIMITS with his music and CHALLENGES YOU with his lyrics. For example, in "Come Make War" he sings, "There's a new breed arising with fire in our eyes. We ain't scared of nothing because we have already died." So powerful!!! :) His voice alone is just so wonderful, but then you add his passion for the Lord, and you have albums that will bless you and inspire you.
As a worship leader, I definitely look to Rick Pino as like a "mentor" even though we have never had conversations, haha. :)

So those are my newest music selections.
Mucho Lovo....Danae

Fell Off the Blogging Wagon...

As Hugh Grant says, "Whoopsie Daisies" =)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Tunez!

Needing some music to lift your spirits?
Here are some albums and songs you should consider listening to! =)
  • On the Rim of the Visible World - Jason Upton
  • Songs for An End Time Army - Rick Pino
  • Holy - Matt Gilman & Corey Asbury

Those are my favorite *new*albums. Of course, listen to ANY Jason Upton or Rick Pino cd and you will be sure to feel blessed!

I would say the same about Matt Gilman and Cory Asbury, but they are NEW so I dont think they have any other cds!

Wait...Cory Asbury does! But I havent heard it yet, but I am sure its fabulous.

Okay well thats it for now.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Best Friends Forever

I can still picture it clearly.
My friend and I hanging out in her bedroom listening to "Don't Speak" by No Doubt while declaring that we were going to be best friends forever. Clearly this was destined; after all, we had matching BFF necklaces from our favorite accessory store. :)

Fast forward 12 years and I would never believe that we once had so much in common.

Her body is covered with tattoos much like our rooms were plastered with posters of cute boys when we were younger. Her wrists decorated with spiked jewellry and her clothes painted black. You could find her at a local punk band's concert with a cold beer in hand, surrounded by similarly dressed friends who all, ironically, believe in non-comformity.


I am deathly afraid of tattoos; not afraid of the pain, but the commitment! I unapologetically listen to Celine Dion and thoroughly enjoy top 40 pop music. You can find me at the piano tinkering away, or outside on the patio in the warm summer night, with perhaps a glass of red wine , and friends who make me laugh so hard it hurts.

It's quite fascinating to think that we as children have this built-in, deep sense of longing for a friend for life. We are too young to quite understand that sometimes our interests change, o rthat barriers arise. All we simply know is that we found a good friend, and we want to be with them every step of the way.
It's simple faith and love.
No wonder Jesus said that we shoudl be like the little children.

When I met my friend, we became inseparable. Sleepovers, 4 hours phone calls, camping, swimming, trips to the 7/11 for slurpees. Attending church, youth group and bible camp. Learning how to apply make up and go to movies by yourself. It was one of the best times of my life.

Then we grew up...and life happened.
We both made choices that drew us slowly away from each other. So slow that you couldn't even recognize the gap until it was too large to seal up.

When I think about it today, it saddens me that we're not hanging out. I had always imagined her being my bridesmaid, and going through life together.

But on the same note, I am incredibly and eternally grateful for the relationship that I will always look back on and smile upon.

And so if I can draw upon these memories for the rest of my life, then in my mind, we will always be "Best Friends Forever."



Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let There Be Light

Gensis 1: " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Okay, now time for YOU to open your Bible and read the rest of Genesis chapter 1.

As you read it, try to picture the Lord as he is creating the the waters, and the earth and as He is calling out, "Let there be light."

Do you think He was having fun? I do.

God has really been speaking to me lately about the gift of creativity.

About 2 years ago, I had my grandparents over for dinner. I made them my special pot roast (secret ingredient: coca cola!) with all the fixings like potatoes and carrots, and of course, gravy. They loved it and asked, "Where did you learn how to cook like that?" The only answer I could come up with, was that somehow I inherited my cooking skills from my mom. It wasn't something that was necessarily taught, but moreso learned through experiences cooking side by side with her. The more time I spent with her, the more I learned how to cook.

When we spend time with Jesus, the more we are WITH Him, we become more LIKE Him. And who is He?
He is the Alpha and Omega!
The Beginning and the End.
The author and perfector of our faith.
He created the heavens and the earth....each creation exquisite and beautiful in detail, all proclaiming His glory and majesty.

We were made in His image, so is it surprising that we would be creative beings?

When I say creative, I don't mean for you to think that you need to be a painter or sculptor. When I say creative, I mean use your gifts that God has given you and blow the labels "normal" or "average" right out of the water.

The "world" has dominated in the creative for too long. I was trying to find some new christian music this morning, and it was hard to find an artist that not only I could identify with, but that I would love to play their songs without thinking in the back of my mind that I wish I was listening to something else. I love "up-tempo", energetic music with contagious beats and vocals that can riff like warm butter. Some websites recommended "ZoeGirl" as an alternative to Lady Gaga. Really???
I am going to be brutally honest here.
I am not going to listen to something just because its "christian" if it's not as good as the music that I hear on the radio. If I won't, then what about the people who are searching for the Lord? What can they look forward to listening to??? What could I reccomend to them?

I feel that we, as christians, need to take back the creative territory. It's time for us to step out of the shadows and use the gifts that God has given us.
WE shoudl be having MORE fun then the world because God is GOOD, and He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Anyways thats just on my heart right now.
I feel very strongly about this, and it's a message for me - time to step it up!!!


Saturday, February 27, 2010

I Drove All NIght...*ahem*...all Day ;)

Had an awesome day today! Hit the road at 9:30 this morning and drove to Kelowna with my mom to see Celine Dion's movie "Celine: Through the Eyes of the World." The movie wasnt coming to Kamloops so of course we made the journey to see it in the theatre! OF COURSE IT WAS WORTH IT!

We both have made 2 trips to Las Vegas to see her and I have also seen her in Vancouver - so you may call us both die hard Celine fans!! ;)

We got to the theatre and there was this big sign taht said it was $16.00 each for admission. That was a little crazy! But again, still worth it.

The movie was absolutely inspiring!!

It is so refreshing to see someone who has made it so big, still stay true to her own and be so humble!

And her voice is just....incredible. I have no words. She is bigger then life.

So we saw the movie and we were both in such was awesome.

Then we did some shopping at Winners and the Walmart Super Centre! :)

Had a whopper at Burger King, which is a luxury now that we dont have BK in Kamloops!

Saw some Ice Fishers on Monte Lake.

It was great!

Mom and daughter road trip and Celine Dion - fun!! Memories forever!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Yet again, I have fallen behind on my blog.

However, this time I will not apologize for it.
Because, to apologize would be to imply intentional neglect which is incorrect.

It was unintentional neglect with good intentions. :)

KA CHING - justified! (whahaa)

So, it's probably been a month or so since I last wrote on here, but I'm not going to recount everything that has been going on. Ha! Other then to say, God is good and here we are!

Had some really AWESOME conversations lately. Very HONEST conversations that have dug some issues from my heart and brought to light. It's been good. We have been talking about what is the "narrow path" and "pat answers" christians quote to people when questions are asked etc.
I am SOOOOOOOO tired of christians saying things without truly understanding what they are saying...
I feel like one of the reasons I resent that so much is that I have been around it my whole life, and oooh the issues it has caused me. I have believed what man has called "right and holy" only to find out that it was legalism and law. And, I find myself almost a little disillusioned by the whole experience. I think its good to explore and search and let God meet you where you are at. And let HIM change you, not man. I think we as christians have become a little too close minded. When people approach us with questions and reasonable arguements, we are too quick to repeat our memorized lines re:faith or we are quick to be offended. Instead, we should hear them out and represent the truth, Jesus!
So, I'm on my little journey. I want to know/feel/experience His love so much that it just overflows out of me to others...that they may feel it too!

Well its 10:24 - I oughtta get to bed! Too many late nights and early mornings!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Insert Title Here

Psalm 27:13
'I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.'

I feel like I could easily fall into despair and hopelessness right now, but I must have faith and know that God is good and his will is perfect...and that lifts you from the deep depths of discouragement.

But, its the human flesh that cries out, how long until we see Your goodness??? Sometimes it's not exactly what we imagined or in our timing.

But God is good and His love endures forever.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Very muuuuuch.

Check these babies out....I bought them for 8 dollars at Sears.
This photo does not do justice to the colour they are....they are like Barbie coloured pink!!
Looove at first sight! ...and definitely will be wearing them to a friends wedding this June!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Garment of Praise for Heaviness

"Man's earthly wisdom will be foolishness in the eyes of eternity, and what seems to be foolishness in man's eyes will prove to be wisdom in the eyes of eternity."

The above quote was Rick Pino's Facebook status today. I dont know whether to attribute this quote to him or not, but he was the poster of the status and I liked it alot!

Today has been a tougher day.

Brandon and I went to the hospital today to visit a beautiful saint, Carol Miller. This morning the doctors confirmed that she has cancer and that it has spread to her whole body.

The reason I can confidently call her a saint in the Lord, is that she has endured so many health problems in her lifetime and her faith has not been shaken. It's amazing that she is alive today, but its even more amazing that through everything, she can smile and that she just bubbles with joy which comes from knowing a living God. She is 65, and yet could put a 20 year old to shame when it came to being full of life and energy!!!

Today was a reality check. She looked weak, tired and in pain. Yes, she cried and yes, she was sad. Yes her body, this earthen vessel, was used up. But even in the face of death, her spirit was ALIVE. Her heart was created to worship and now she is going to a place where she is going to worship God in eternity. She had a peace that overcame all fear and sadness.

She had a peace that would CONFOUND the wise on earth....



Its not easy to see someone you love like this. In fact, it's extemely difficult. And my heart is breaking right now...

But our bodies WILL wither away like grass. These bodies are just temporary! And...when we die, we will be with the Lord and in new glorified bodies.

No more sickness, no more sorrow, no more death!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dove's Eyes

"Let me hear your voice Lord, for your voice is so sweet. Let me see your eyes, for Your face is lovely" - Rick Pino

"Doves Eyes" by Rick Pino:

I think it's time we really need to see God the way He truly is. He is not some far away god, sitting on a pedestal, requiring offerings and sacrifice.

Our God is Mighty in all His ways. He is glorious and victorious. He is majestic and Holy. He is worth of ALL praise and glory, and worthy of all sacrifice and offering.

And yet above all, he is a loving God and desires our affections!!! "I am my beloveds and He is mine."
