Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ke$ha. Grr on you.

So - my inner monologue goes a little something like this every time I hear a Ke$ha song:
“Dang you Ke$ha. You and your infectious beats, shallow lyrics and singing(talking?).”

I am annoyed with myself. Maybe even a little disappointed.
Let’s face it, who didn’t like “Tik Tok” when it first came out in all its misspelled glory.
But then 3 eerily similar sounding songs came out, and that should be a red flag that perhaps there’s not a whole lot of creativity or talent in this basket. But, strange enough, you may find yourself kind of enjoying the song and singing/talking it’s lyrics before you snap out of it and you say, as I said, “Dang you Ke$ha!!! You gone and done it again!”

So I am 12 weeks (almost 13) pregnant  (surprise!) – And I totally understand why women love being pregnant. Who doesn’t love waking up all hours of the night to go to the bathroom? ….and let’s not forget feeling nauseous, tired and like your back  in high school because your skin is so bad.  I was actually one of the lucky kids who never had bad skin during school – guess it has come back to bite me!
Even then with all of these “joys” – the miracle of creating a life surpasses them all. It's amazing!!!

On Wednesday, we got to hear the baby's heartbeat, which was amazing. It made everything feel so real - because up until then, it was very, and it still is very surreal.
Yikes! :)
So happy....thanking God day and night for this!!

On Monday, I accomplished the impossible. I made a “Twilight Hater” become a “Team Edward” and “Team Jacob” fan. J We watched Twilight Monday, and as the credits rolled, she asked if we could watch “New Moon” the next night. I of course quickly answered “YES!”
We're going to watch "Eclipse" today when she comes over after work!
It’s been a while since I watched the first Twilight and watching it last night brought back all the same feelings I had when I first watched it. Just being captivated by Edward and Bella’s intense, irrevocable love for each other…’s so beautiful. I have a harder time to watch “New Moon” because Bella’s emotions are so raw, but “Eclipse” takes the cake for me. Such a cool, action packed, romantic movie.
Can’t wait until the “Breaking Dawn” movies come out!!!

Well Im making some Hamburger Soup...for today's lunch! So I will go for now!
Have an awesome day....and be careful to which music you listen to. ;) ;) ;) HAHA!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Where is the Weekend?

Does it really have to be Sunday??? The weekend just came, it can't go yet!!! NooooOOooooOOoooo....

We start our weekends on Thursday. Before I proceed, let me explain. Even tho I work on Fridays, it's Brandon's day off - we so we try to do something special on his "Friday" which is my Thursday.

On Thursday, we got some Chinese take-out and watched "The Social Network." We kind of took a risk with that movie because we both never had seen it before, but we bought it from Costco just from our friends words that it was a good movie.
The movie was fantastic. I loved the dialogue in it. Jesse Eisenberg is really a favorite actor of mine. He has this awkwardness to him, that just works in the roles that he takes like Zombieland which is another great movie .lol.

Friday, went to a friends Birthday dinner at Frick and Frack - which was fun! Food was excellent...MMmmm Calamari dinner is sooo good!

Saturday, made cakes with my sis, watched "The Last Exorcism" (horrible, corny movie) and then had dinner with my mom.

Sunday, had church and now getting ready to go to another friends house for dinner.


Now do you see why I dont want tomorrow to be Monday?
I havent had anytime to rest yet!!!

:) :) :) :) :)

Such is life!


Monday, January 10, 2011


It was a miserable Monday.
Then my sister took me out for lunch, and the day became managable.
Now as I watch the clock draw near to 4:30, it’s becoming magnificant.

When I return home, I’ll sink back into my bed and hope that I’ll be engulfed in it’s sheets, never to escape. Of course, that bubble dream will be popped within 30 seconds when I have to fight my way out and get ready for worship team practice. In a world of so many temptations, my only temptation at this point is to cancel the practice  so that I can once again fall back into that warm, comfortable place. But, with the little strength I have left, I will walk the other direction and pray to God that He will help me tonight! The bible states that He is our strength, so I need that to be in a real sense, and not just figurative speech!  =)

The weekend was busy but I imagine this week will be busier – at least until Thursday. I need to make it a priority to look after myself and allow time to relax and not burn out, but I wonder where one is to fit time in to do that?
I go into the week with much resolve and passion to live a more balanced life, and yet I run into that brick wall called life which demands more than I have to give.  It makes me question whether this would find someone else in the same predicament, or if I am just not able to handle a heavy load. I do feel I am able to handle stress and a busy life. I thrive from pressure and deadlines. It’s a question of when is it too much?  And having the wisdom to discern that and to know when to say enough is enough.

There’s a lot of change in the air. Change that has happened, and change to come. And through it all, I need to be still and know that He is God. That He is the anchor in the storm, an ever present help, a small still voice whispering, “you’re not alone.”

While I was preparing for our worship team meeting last night, I came across an article that was speaking about desire for God. A reference was made to Beethoven because even though he was deaf, he was desperate to hear the notes of his piano and he made it possible. Did his hearing impairment stop him? No. He sawed off the legs of his piano so that it would rest against the floor and he could pick up the vibrations. If we had desire like that for God, we would make every means possible to hear His voice, to know His ways, and to walk His path.  It really struck a chord and convicted me.
I think we are more often to desire something when we have experienced it. I believe in Psalms, it says taste and see that the Lord is good – and so once you have experienced that sweetness of God, you will want more!

It’s funny how sometimes that taste dissapates and we fall back into our patterns. Its our busy lives, our high demands, our overloaded senses that makes it so hard to stay focused.

As a worship leader, I really feel I need to keep on top of that somehow. It’s so easy to fall short, to not read my bible, to brush it aside until Sunday. But I must remember what a prividge and honour it is to lead God’s people into a place of worship, and I can’t do it unless I am worshiping God with my heart, soul, body and spirit. If it’s not done from the right place, then it’s just a musical performance.  But worship is so much more than music. Music has power to touch peoples lives, worship incorporated with music has the power to touch God’s heart. Through worshipping God , He releases his joy, love, freedom and healing, and it’s really satisfying to feel that and to know that He is pleased.

So, am I tired?
Do I feel like I am dragging my butt to worship practice?
But maybe, just maybe after writing about all of this, there will be a litle extra skip in my walk.  God’s presence is more enjoyable than anything, and sometimes it takes dragging yourself there, but the walls quickly fall down, and your strength is renewed.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Every Captive Free

Every Captive Free
By Matt Gilman

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me
Because He has anointed Me to preach good news
To take away all of Your sorrow and Your mourning
To give the oil of joy and a garment of praise
I have seen you in your captivity
And I will open up every prison door 
So arise and shine for your light has come
My glory is rising upon you
I am dancing over you
I am singing over you
Songs of deliverance
And I will set every captive free
And you will be with Me 
You are mine

I've carried the weight of your iniquity
I've carried the burden of your shame
I've called you by name, I've called you by name
You are mine

If you get a moment, try to listen to this song! You can buy it from Itunes for $0.99 or else look it up on Youtube. I think the Itunes version is way better quality though...

The song lyrics are really powerful, and really reaches to people in so many levels. He wrote it with the slaves of the sex trade in mind, but as he would sing it, people would tell him how much it meant to them and how it helped them through their trials. 

That's the power of Jesus.
No matter who you are, or where you are, or what your going through - his love reaches you. 


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thoughts from an Admin Chick...

You know you are an admin support clerk WHEN:
  • you wear elastics around your wrists like they are bracelets (not on purpose) 
  • red and blue pen is smeared on your hands and you don't notice.
  • sticky notes are your best friends - especially when they are in an array of colours to choose from
  • you get annoyed at anyone who doesn't type at least 65wpm
And that concludes my list for now.

I was ECSTATIC to find my favorite juice of all time yesterday - APPLE LIME juice by Sunrype. Mmmm! It reminds me of being a kid. I searched Safeway and Wal-Mart many times with no luck but yesterday I stumbled upon it a the Super Store by accident. Of course, bought like 5 of them. mmMMmmMmm!

I got my butt kicked at the gym today or maybe it's the other way around - maybe I kicked the gyms butt? LOL. Either way, I feel sore but awesome all at the same time. Feel energized and OHHHH so happy tomorrow is Friday!!! Thank the Lord!

So what does the weekend look like?

Friday: A possible coffee date with my awesome friend Ferin - who no longer lives in Kamloops. :(
Saturday Shopping and lunch with my mom and sis at the mall during the afternoon and then finishing the day going to a friends house to play Call of Duty Black Ops - let each man fight for himself. BAHAHAH
Sunday: Church, board meeting and then probably lazyness, because its a lazy Sunday. Oh dang, I probably should take down all my Christmas decorations!!!

And thats my weekend in a nutshell, thus far!

Well bedtime for me, its 9:05pm and its been one heck of a long day!!!

I'll leave you with this:
You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever. PSALMS 16:11


7:44 a.m.



Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Crazy Heart


Bran and I watched part of “Crazy Heart” last night. It was my second time around and yet again I was fascinated by such a rugged, alcoholic, country singer. At 57, his glory days have ended. He is playing shows in bowling alleys and driving a truck that has seen better days. A few marriages later and failed tries to mend a broken relationship with his son, he discovers that finding grace doesn’t necessarily mean a restoration in relationships and circumstances. It’s humbling to realize that even after you have apologized and tried to change your life around, that others may be too hurt to accept you, but you must accept yourself anyways and walk in grace anyways. Accept the consequences of the past, but believe there’s much to look forward to in the future.

Not being much of a country fan (OK, I resent country music), I was hesitant to watch it but I absolutely recommend this to anyone!

We have had an enormous dump of snow today!  They were calling for a large snowstorm on the coast and that eventually it would turn our way at some point, but I didn’t realize it would snow ALL day. It would have been much appreciated had it come on Christmas day! Christmas day was warm, +9 degrees in the sun. We walked to Denny’s not needing our winter jackets….it was really bizarre. Gave you a small taste of what it may be like to live somewhere warm like Vegas or Florida on a Christmas day….just missing palm trees! My favorite….

So back to New Years resolutions. Today was my first day back on the job and I tried my hardest to give it a 110% effort despite my feelings toward it.  I suppose it wasn’t too bad.  I just have to keep using my “flashlight” and shine it down the hall so I can get a glimmer of hope – that was all figurative of course.  I could still work on my poor attitude, but that will come in time. Aside to that, I would also love to see things change for the better yet!  I know that would help my feelings of unsatisfaction.  Or maybe I am just never satisfied. Who knows. lol.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Today is a sad day.
It marks the last day of holidays before my return to the jungle *ahem* work. 

However, we went out with a BANG today! Might as well end it big, right! Haha...

  1. Went out to meet a friend to catch up on things. (Great!)
  2. Had lunch at the new Burger King with Bran and Jen. (Yum!)
  3. Saw "Little Fockers" at the movie theatre. (Hilarious and cute!!!)

Now off to the gym!!! It's been a little while since I've gone. It's pretty expensive so I cut it out while trying to buy Christmas gifts. Sacrifices, oh sacrifices.

Take 'er easy

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Years!

I read one quote yesterday, in which it said "may your troubles be as few as the resolutions that you keep". :)

Resolutions can be good. You vow to be a better person, or eat healthier, or become a harder worker. It's a great thing to strive to improve. Where we have messed up, is defining what success is.
Each of us has had this experience: make a vow, broke the vow and gave up.  We define success of the resolution by believing that we are able to keep it without stumbling. Should we fall, then we need to wait until the following year to make a fresh start.

If you look at pretty much any example, you will find success is gained through experience. Experience can be defined by the up's and down's, the hills and valleys, the wisdom to get up again after falling. It's embracing imperfection and weakness, and allowing God to be your strength. For God to strengthen your knees as you slowly pick yourself up from the place you fell. It's really beautiful.

I have the same resolutions as most people. Eat better, exercise more, etc. But I would like to add a few more:
  1. Seek God in the morning. Waking up 15-30 minutes earlier to have some time reading the living word of God.
  2. Hand-write letter's and cards to send to friends/family - not allowing Facebook to be my first resort to write "Happy Birthday" when I was only reminded by the little birthday reminder box on the top right hand side.
  3. Continue to hand-write in my journal. I have a horrible habit of creating new journals and then leaving them half finished while I start a new one. So far I am using the same one since July 2010...amazing!
  4.  Make more time for ME. I often try to bend and twist myself so I can make time for everyone else - therefore, neglecting myself mind, body and spirit. This year will be different!!!
  5.  Gain back passion for my job - no matter the circumstances.
  6.  Be a strong woman, wife, daughter and sister.  Being confident in who I am, what I believe and what I stand for. Walking with authority and favour. Knowing priorities, goals and seeing the prize beyond the challenge. Not being walked on, but still having grace for others.
  7. Read more books!  
That's what I have so far, although I am sure there are many more floating around in my brain. I know that I will mess up and fail, but I will vow to get back up again and continue in that way!

2010 was a good year overall - with some challenges along the way. In experience, I have gained wisdom and I look forwarding to 2011 being an even better year!

More challenges, more blessings - more experience!

I'll leave you with these:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

So do not fear, for I am with you... I will strengthen you and help you. Isaiah 41:10

In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37

God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 5:10    

Nay XxOo