Thursday, November 4, 2010

A life of Glee or Theme Music. To be or not to be.

Somehow my mind always wanders back to that one episode of Family Guy where Peter Griffin wishes that he had theme music for his day to day laugh. His wish is granted and for every footstep he takes, there is music that moves with him.

I wonder, what would be preferable.
Having theme music like Peter Griffin, or spontaneously breaking into song through out the day like an episode of Glee. .

I would love for life to exactly like Glee. For that to happen however, you would have to have the world around you perfectly aligned. It would require science.
You see, the moment a song comes to you after you have experienced some emotion (love, happiness, hate, hurt etc.); the band must instantaneously appear behind you. Without talking or looking at them, they will know the key, the rhythm, which instruments to play, when to come in, when to end and if you will have an instrumental break.
Once the band’s details have been worked out, somehow, the people around you (both friends and strangers) must know which lines they will sing, where to harmonize, and when to not sing so that you have the spotlight.
They must also be equipped with dancing skills. They will know exactly which choreographed movements to use for each song.

Phewf. It’s a lot of work. Discussing this has made me decide that I would much rather live my life like an episode of Glee than just walking around with theme music.

Glad we have established this point.

Anyways, unless I have billions of dollars and a ridiculous team of superheroes such as scientists, musicians, dancers, etc – I think that none of the above will occur.

So, plan B:
I will happily be content to just sit at my piano day after day after day and let whatever I am feeling come out in music and song.
I will also happily be content with throwing on a CD (well, those are becoming extinct. Let’s say, putting my IPOD on play) and blasting it nice and loud!

Music to me is the equivalent of what donuts are to Homer Simpson.
Pure, beautiful, bliss.

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