Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fav Thangs

Since I dont have a whole lot to say, I am going to keep it simple and just list a few favorite things of 2010!
  1. Using Netflix on the PS3
  2. Lady Gaga 's Tweets
  3. Carlos O Bryans - the better version of Kelly O's. My new fav hang out!
  4. Pink lip stick
  5. Lady Gaga's Monster Ball  Tour - best concert ever!
  6. Dresses and leggings
  7. Random road trips
  8. Photography
  9. Playing Singstar and taking videos of ourselves
  10. Reading the Twilight Saga

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh Boy!

...sometimes I spend way too much time thinking.
Pondering, dreaming, thinking, dwelling --- all that jazz.

"Snap out of it"...thats what I need to be told!

It get's me into trouble.


Sparkle and Shine

Well, prayer meeting was really awesome last night!!!

We often start with a few minutes of just playing music softly while people can reflect on their favourite Psalms or have some quiet time with God to maybe get back on track again or whatever they need. Then we go into some free worship.

As we were going to sing “We Will Dance” in C….I played C and C/F for a little while and found playing those 2 chords really work when you want to go into free worship. It allows people to create their own melodies as they sing the Psalms or whatever they feel led to do.

(I am writing this down now so I can note it for later!)

Another great chord progression is EM D C D with four- four timing. The sound is kind of moody, I love it. I *heart* minors!!!!

As I have mentioned before, I really enjoy our prayer meetings. They are completely unconventional. Its music and prayer intertwined and I find it’s a really effective way to keep the people engaged and most importantly allowing the Spirit to move freely. I also find it a wonderful time to develop skills. It’s pushed me out of the “box” (which I don’t want to be in!) and I feel it’s drawn me closer to God. The more you use your gifting, the more you feel closer to God.

I know the word “gifting” is very cliché in the “Christian World.” The last thing I want to be is in the “cliché” club. But, God’s gifts are very, very real and we’re told not to forsake them! He is the Father of Lights; every perfect gift comes from Him. I don’t have a Bible with me right now, but in the New Testament it talks about how we as humans, being evil, know how to give good gifts – how much more does your Father in heaven know how to give good gifts? He is the ultimate giver! He is the ultimate creator too, so you can’t get any better than that!

Santa needs his elves to make gifts, God creates and designs gifts and gives them himself!! =)

Have you ever thought about your gifting?

When I saw Darlene Zschech (Worship Leader, Hillsong Music Australia) at a woman’s conference in May 2003 she talked about gifting and calling. Often we tremble and dread at the thought of using our gifts because heaven forbid we have to see all of our belongings and move to the poorest, remote area of the world. For some, this is a reality. For others, you may never have to do that! Quite often, what you ENJOY doing, is what God has gifted you in!

For me, I LOVE music. I love listening to it, going to concerts, singing, playing the piano etc. It was all very natural for me to jump into that arena. Natural, but not easy. Haha. I remember being so scared of the microphone. But after my mom resigned her role as the worship leader, I had no choice to dive right in there, sink or swim! Thank God, I think I have been able to swim….haha. The microphone is no longer a fear, lol. And I feel most alive when I am behind my piano!

So are you still thinking about YOUR gifting?

Maybe you’re creative. Perhaps you love to scrapbook, or make cards, or scarves. Think of the people you could bless by handing them one of your home made cards, or giving a knitted scarf to someone in need!

Maybe you’re analytical! Perhaps you could challenge people and get their thought processes going! Maybe you could find the cure to cancer, or create a detailed plan that would help a person or business get organized.

There are so many opportunities – it is simply endless.

Not one gift is less significant than another. The only way they will be insignificant is if you choose not to use them!

You don’t have to be in the spotlight to shine!!!

Just shine wherever you are…..


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gardening in the Winter

I was beginning to reflect on this last year. The joys, the hurts, the new things, the old, the losses, and the gifts.

When I think about the difficult times in my life, I sometimes have to wonder how some of us make it to 80 years old before we find the grave.  Who hasn’t said, “I can’t take this anymore” or “I can’t deal with any more stress?”  We have all had points in our life where it looked so dark that it appeared there was no way out. Yet with our God given endurance and ability to evolve with the times, we as human beings have been able to overcome a multitude of trials and tribulations.

We can either be singing “Simple Plan” emo songs.....or dancing around like Richard Simmons.

It was almost one year ago (January 10th 2010) that our dear friend Carol drove herself to the E.R. because of severe abdominal pains. Within a week, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer – maybe weeks to months left to live. I remember looking at her face, and it was not the Carol I knew. Her skin was grey, she had no energy and her hope was gone. And then one miraculous day, a doctor said, wait, you need to fight this. There is hope that we can overcome this cancer by treating it aggressively. That word of hope changed her. She was literally a different person. Life was breathed into her.
Almost a year later, she is cancer free. She is up in Alberta looking to serve the homeless in anyway that she can, to join a local worship team and to work on a book about all her trials in her life. If there is one person who knows pain, it’s Carol. From a young age until now she has endured many health issues, more than you can imagine. And yet from her lips, she praises God for His kindness and faithfulness. It’s beautiful.

One “life coach” said, “live life with an attitude of gratitude”. I generally have a sceptical attitude about self help people, but that is a quote that is right on the mark. You see the more that you’re thankful for what you have in your life and the more you praise God, the more joy you will feel in your life. Genuine gratitude is something that needs to be worked on. Initially it may hurt.
For example. Thank you God for the warm house you have provided Brandon and I with – even if it includes a mouse that seems to be living in a wall in our kitchen.......that we can’t seem to catch. EVEN THEN, thank You God for shelter.

So thus I come to reflection upon the good things in my life. For example, going to Tulalip Resort in Seattle. We were absolutely spoiled. It was a beautiful relaxing time for us.
Celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary and our 10th year of being in love!
Turning 25....a whole quarter century!
For being taken care of, never being in need!
Life is good - God has really blessed us!

There are 10 days until Christmas. It’s the silliest thing. My house is completely decorated and yet I don’t feel the excitement for it that I used to have. Maybe too much build up? Maybe we need to have kids to feel that excitement again, I don’t know! Anyways, I do have most of my Christmas shopping done. That’s good news! I do need to make a midnight trip to Wal-Mart and Superstore tho! It’s a lot of fun to do the things you normally can’t do.

I am really excited for Boxing Day. This has been a tradition Bran and I have created about 5 years go. We get up really early – around 4:30 – and then go to Future Shop, Wal-Mart and Winners/Home Sense. It’s not really about the deals or the consumerism – although we do find some smoking deals! It’s more being lost in this crowd of people who are also willing to get out of bed early and wait in the cold. It’s a rush. There is this huge buzz of energy and it’s so fun to be apart of it.

I had a really awesome dream 2 nights ago.....

I dreamed that it was winter and so there was snow everywhere. I could see myself......I was wearing a sundress outside and gardening. I was digging away at the land, and planting flowers and fruit, and vegetables. I was so warm. Not from doing the work, but there was this warm breeze blowing on me and at one point I got up and just stood enjoying the breeze. And yet this was such a contradiction because there was a few feet of snow all around and people were bundled up head to toe as they walked by. I told Brandon about it because I felt there was significance to it. Some dreams you just kind of shake of and you say that was “funny” but this one kept circulating in my brain. Brandon felt that it meant that even tho things may seem cold and desolate, that I am still “sowing” into the ground and that the warmth is like the Holy Spirit.  I felt like it’s a message from God saying don’t give up.....even though it looks like nothing good can grow from this environment, He can make all things come together.

Well Im going to sign off now - time to go lead worship at prayer night! Wooohooo- fav night of the week!!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

14 Days Until Christmas!

I haven't had much time on the computer lately so I thought I should schedule a little time to update my blog! T'is the season to be busy, but t'is the season to also be enjoying this beautiful time of the year! Don't let it get so busy that you don't take time to appreciate everything around you!

A bomb squad from Vancouver is being called into our little humble city to check out a suspicious "package" on Victoria St.  I had a really nice coffee with my mom this morning at Frankly's and then as we were driving home we noticed 3 blocks were completely blocked off by cops. We wondered what was going on! Well, it'll be interesting to hear the outcome!

So anyways back to my coffee with my mom - it was really nice! We rarely get time to do things, just the two of us, so had a really nice time! We then did a little Christmas shopping too.

I bought my sister something superiorly AWESOME but I can't say what it is, in fear she may read this!!! :)  But it's super cool and exciting...yeahhh!!!

My house is filled with the aroma of turkey - MMM! It's our church banquet so we have a turkey cooking at both our house and at the church. I am really looking forward to it, it's going to be fun and of course,  YUMMY!!!!

Well g2g for now!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Lights

Last year I was watching a "teaser" video that Coldplay had put out on Youtube about their brand new song, "Christmas Lights."
Fast forward a year later and they FINALLY released the song and music video.
It was love at first listen. *Sigh* :)

Check it out here:

It's beautiful, honest and mesmerizing.

What can I say, Coldplay is amazing. Between their lyrics, and their beautiful music --- it just makes my spirit feel alive. :) They need to release a new C.D. that they can come back to Vancouver and I can see them again!!! :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fragrance of Christ

2 Corinthians 2:14-17 ( NKJV)
"14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? 17 For we are not, as so many,[b] peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ."

Thanks be to God - who ALWAYS leads us in triumph in Christ!!!
Paul didn't say we "might" be triumphant......or "maybe" we should give thanks in case we are triumphant. He said we are ALWAYS triumphant in Christ.

The next few verse speak about the fragrance of His knowledge being upon us.

If you're a woman who loves your house to smell yummy, you most likely have a diffuser sitting on your coffee table somewhere in your house. What it is, is a jar/vial of fragrant oil and there are a few wood diffuser sticks that come out. The oil travels up the sticks and scents your whole room.

This is what the fragrance of knowledge in Christ is like.

As we allow ourselves to be dipped in His word, in His love, in His knowledge, we begin to soak it up. The sweet aroma of knowledge is upon us.....and people around you will be able to sense God's presence with you.