Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Can Handle It

Weekends go by so fast!

I have a bad habit of wishing weeks away so that the weekend can come. Without even realizing it, I am wishing away 5 days of my life just so I can enjoy 2 days without work. That's a really bad idea. Then when we hit 50,60, 70 - we wonder how we got there so fast?

Life flies by fast enough without trying to wish away those 5 Mon-Fri days.

I have to admit that partly I wish for the weekend because it's like sprinting to that finish line. As soon as your feet cross over the line, you can finally have a cool sip of water to drink, you can sit down and breathe in and out after a 10K marathon.

For me, life feels like that.

I look back at my early 20's and I laugh because I thought I was so busy back then...

Sure, I was busy working full time. But I was also busy playing PS3 Call of Duty, going tubing down the river, having "Book Club Meetings" etc.

I look at my life today (at 27) and I think I AM BUSY and I am lucky if I get to have a bath. I am lucky if I can check my Facebook ...and maybe just maybe upload pictures from my camera to the computer. I am lucky if I can watch a movie without any interruptions.
I am lucky if I can go to work with a shirt with no food crumbs on my shoulder.

Sure, I am slightly envious of my "younger days" - living care free.

There are days when I don't want to cook for my family, and do their laundry.
I don't want to change diapers, and I don't even want my husband to hug me. There are days I just want to be alone, and go to sleep, all by myself. No interruptions.

But of course, I get an evening alone, and I can't wait for my son to wake up so I can come lift him out of his crib so I can snuggle him. And I can't wait for my husband to come out of his "man cave" to give me a kiss and tell each other we love each other...

I love my life today. I love who surrounds me. I love who I have become. While life is crazy, and busy, and I feel sometimes it's not even my own life is exactly where and what it should be....

Sometimes mama just needs to breath....
and blog a little so her day doesn't seem so overwelming.



Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday Afternoon Fun

And this is what my day looked like!
Could he be any cuter??

Sunday, January 13, 2013

I'm doing it, I'm doing it!

As I have blogged 100 times before, I will try to do better at 'blogging.'  I do have the right intentions and I do brain storm ideas, however time to do so is few and far in between. So here's what I have been up to lately:
More then being an efficient blogger, I would like to become healthy and happy with my body so 2013 marks an emphasis of healthy living and eating.
 On the right hand side you will see what we had for breakfast Saturday! Egg, lettuce cheese and salsa bagels.
I know the bagel is not good for you, but don't worry, I only ate one half!
Eat like a king in the morning, and a pauper in the evening...I will try anything! 

 Our little Eli is growing up so fast. How could you not love this face? Even beyond his ridiculous good looks, he's got a personality that brings so much Joy to  me and Bran's lives. He loves to dance and out Bieber?
On the flip side, he has also developed a wee bit of a temper. When mama or dada says "no" he starts to head butt or scream to get his thus the terrible two's will start to make their entrance!
However, he is an amazing child. He is for the most part calm and happy....and sleeps like a champ!
Back to food.
Here are the Kale chips I made a few nights ago. A little olive oil, garlic and sea salt. Put in the oven for about 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees. Flip and keep a close eye on them until they are as crunchy as you want them!
Kale has become a new food favorite. It is full of good things for your body and it tastes great in pasta sauces, baked vegetables, blended smoothies etc.

With that said, I must go now and clean the house. (Notice I don't have any pictures of our house? Teehee...)


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Keep Calm and Make Tea

Welcome to 2013

We say goodbye to 2012, and welcome 2013. 

For the majority of us, Jan 1st marks a day of resolutions. It signifies a blank slate. The first page of a 365 page book. A new beginning.

Some of us welcome 2013 with arms wide open. 
Romantic relationships have been kindled. Babies are being born. New job opportunities and boundless other exciting things are about to unfold

For others, 2013 is met with a solemn outlook. 
Loved ones passed away. Sickness overtaking bodies. Perhaps financial or relationship issues. Just getting through 'today' is a struggle.

Which ever side you are standing on, the fabric of our lives can be sewn together in the unity that we don't know what 2013 is going to look like.
But we do know, that we have 'today' and that God has promised to watch us and look over us.

2 Corinthians 5:17`Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"