Saturday, November 6, 2010

Peanut Butter Birthday Time!

In a mere 2 days, I will be 25 years old. By no means is this a traditional birthday milestone, however, I am declaring it to be special because of the following reasons:

1. Dairy Queen had its 25th anniversary in the summer.
2. 25 divided by 5 is 5. My favourite number is 5.
3. 25 is ¼ of a century.
4. I will be half my dad's age until November 20th and I will be half my mom’s age when she turns 50 in April 2011.
5. Just celebrating our 5th wedding Anniversary back in August, I have been married for 1/5 of my lifetime.

I have always believed a birthday cannot fully be celebrated on only one day. It must be enjoyed for the full month. Hence, I shall proclaim November my birthday month.

There are a few perks about being born in November. My favourite perk is that Christmas is just around the corner and so I decorate my house the first week of November. Birthday pictures will look spectacular with all of the Christmas lights and decorations! I have had a few birthdays with snow and that has made my heart happy. I love snow. Snow is happiness falling from the sky. LOL. (I know, super corny, but it’s true.) My birthday is far enough from Christmas that I get to enjoy my gifts and not feel like the 2 occasions are squished into one. My birthday is close enough to Christmas that there isn’t this let down after you have opened your gifts. In approximately one month, you just get to open more! Christmas is not about opening presents, but its sure fun!

Speaking of Christmas, I decorated my house last night. Last night marked 50 days until Christmas. Wootwoot! I bought some new indoor lights from Wal-Mart and they look spectacular!!!!

On Saturday, I re-arranged my whole living room. I think it looks a lot more warm and welcoming. So my challenge last night was to “Christmasify” my house, but without making it look tacky. When you whip out your Christmas decorations, it’s so easy to want to plop decorations wherever there is a free space. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who have little knick-knacks and trinkets everywhere. It’s so cluttered looking, and just......tacky. Ha-ha. I suppose there’s a little more grace during Christmas, but you better put your trinkets away on January 1st!!!

I can’t wait until the time change on Sunday the 7th. The obvious advantage is that you gain an hour. The not so obvious advantage, is that the evenings become dark earlier. I LOVE IT! I love leaving work at 4:30 and it getting dark outside. You get to see the Christmas lights, and see the snow light up the sky.......and its all so wonderful!


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