Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let There Be Light

Gensis 1: " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Okay, now time for YOU to open your Bible and read the rest of Genesis chapter 1.

As you read it, try to picture the Lord as he is creating the the waters, and the earth and as He is calling out, "Let there be light."

Do you think He was having fun? I do.

God has really been speaking to me lately about the gift of creativity.

About 2 years ago, I had my grandparents over for dinner. I made them my special pot roast (secret ingredient: coca cola!) with all the fixings like potatoes and carrots, and of course, gravy. They loved it and asked, "Where did you learn how to cook like that?" The only answer I could come up with, was that somehow I inherited my cooking skills from my mom. It wasn't something that was necessarily taught, but moreso learned through experiences cooking side by side with her. The more time I spent with her, the more I learned how to cook.

When we spend time with Jesus, the more we are WITH Him, we become more LIKE Him. And who is He?
He is the Alpha and Omega!
The Beginning and the End.
The author and perfector of our faith.
He created the heavens and the earth....each creation exquisite and beautiful in detail, all proclaiming His glory and majesty.

We were made in His image, so is it surprising that we would be creative beings?

When I say creative, I don't mean for you to think that you need to be a painter or sculptor. When I say creative, I mean use your gifts that God has given you and blow the labels "normal" or "average" right out of the water.

The "world" has dominated in the creative for too long. I was trying to find some new christian music this morning, and it was hard to find an artist that not only I could identify with, but that I would love to play their songs without thinking in the back of my mind that I wish I was listening to something else. I love "up-tempo", energetic music with contagious beats and vocals that can riff like warm butter. Some websites recommended "ZoeGirl" as an alternative to Lady Gaga. Really???
I am going to be brutally honest here.
I am not going to listen to something just because its "christian" if it's not as good as the music that I hear on the radio. If I won't, then what about the people who are searching for the Lord? What can they look forward to listening to??? What could I reccomend to them?

I feel that we, as christians, need to take back the creative territory. It's time for us to step out of the shadows and use the gifts that God has given us.
WE shoudl be having MORE fun then the world because God is GOOD, and He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Anyways thats just on my heart right now.
I feel very strongly about this, and it's a message for me - time to step it up!!!


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