Saturday, April 17, 2010

Best Friends Forever

I can still picture it clearly.
My friend and I hanging out in her bedroom listening to "Don't Speak" by No Doubt while declaring that we were going to be best friends forever. Clearly this was destined; after all, we had matching BFF necklaces from our favorite accessory store. :)

Fast forward 12 years and I would never believe that we once had so much in common.

Her body is covered with tattoos much like our rooms were plastered with posters of cute boys when we were younger. Her wrists decorated with spiked jewellry and her clothes painted black. You could find her at a local punk band's concert with a cold beer in hand, surrounded by similarly dressed friends who all, ironically, believe in non-comformity.


I am deathly afraid of tattoos; not afraid of the pain, but the commitment! I unapologetically listen to Celine Dion and thoroughly enjoy top 40 pop music. You can find me at the piano tinkering away, or outside on the patio in the warm summer night, with perhaps a glass of red wine , and friends who make me laugh so hard it hurts.

It's quite fascinating to think that we as children have this built-in, deep sense of longing for a friend for life. We are too young to quite understand that sometimes our interests change, o rthat barriers arise. All we simply know is that we found a good friend, and we want to be with them every step of the way.
It's simple faith and love.
No wonder Jesus said that we shoudl be like the little children.

When I met my friend, we became inseparable. Sleepovers, 4 hours phone calls, camping, swimming, trips to the 7/11 for slurpees. Attending church, youth group and bible camp. Learning how to apply make up and go to movies by yourself. It was one of the best times of my life.

Then we grew up...and life happened.
We both made choices that drew us slowly away from each other. So slow that you couldn't even recognize the gap until it was too large to seal up.

When I think about it today, it saddens me that we're not hanging out. I had always imagined her being my bridesmaid, and going through life together.

But on the same note, I am incredibly and eternally grateful for the relationship that I will always look back on and smile upon.

And so if I can draw upon these memories for the rest of my life, then in my mind, we will always be "Best Friends Forever."




  1. I think we all have *that* person, and it's so hard looking back and realizing that you don't have them anymore. But you're completely right; be grateful for what you did have, and savor the memories :)

  2. Exactly!! :) I havent talked to this friend for years, but I dont know, she just popped into my head, and really, I feel thankful. :) Great memories!
    ANd glad for friends I have YOU!! :) xoxo
