Sunday, October 18, 2009


"When I'm with my daddy, my innocence is restored." - Rick Pino

It's early Sunday morning, and I should be picking out songs for our worship service...but, here I am, signed on to "Blog Spot." :) God is in control, and I feel like I should be writing right now.

Last Thursday (15th) and Friday (16th) was...Intense...Powerful....Healing. We invited Ben and Brenda Peters to our church. They had been to Kamloops in 2003 at another church. Our friend Rob was there and they prophesied over him. Everything they speak over peoples lives is tape recorded and handed to each person so that you can listen to it again and test it to see if it comes true. Well, 6 years later, Rob was amazed that everything had come to pass. He spoke to Brandon and I, and we decided to see if they would come back to Kamloops. He e-mailed them and we waited to see if God would move it in their heart to come here and minister to us. They responded and we set up a 2 night service with them.

This was a HUGE event for our church, something we have never done before. It was larger then who we are!

We had a really great turn out of people both nights from all different churches in Kamloops. And thats our heart - that the Kamloops body of Christ would unite! Together, we are stronger! It was a group of like minded Christians, that wanted to seek MORE of the Lord!

Ben and Brenda both shared a powerful message to the crowd. Later, they had a time of prayer for people who needed healing, and people were HEALED! Someone who had trouble walking, could walk! Someone who had jaw problems, said it disappeared! :) Wow!
Through out the service, they prophesied over people....tears were overflowing, lives were being restored, and hope and passion was igniting again...

Something is happening in Kamloops.
It's a dry and weary town..
and it has been that way for far too long.
Something's gotta give, Soon! =)

They gave Brandon and I a word...I will share a little bit later.

I better get ready for church now...


Monday, October 5, 2009

Past, Present and Future

Almost a month GONE since I last posted!

So here's what was, what is, and what may come:

  • Brando's parents came to Kamloops for a week! It was fun and we got our theatre room in the dreaded basement drywalled! His dad did an amazing job, especially in such a short time period! So we have it set up so all the wires are inside the walls, its going to look wonderful! Right now we're looking at some paint colours and carpets! ...and maybe buy a new sectional for Christmas!!!
  • 3 weeks ago I was floating on the river in the hot sun - today I need my winter jacket to go on a walk. Yuck! Oh and the sun is down before 7 now, which aint half bad! I love walking in the dark!
  • I have 5 days off from work starting this Thursday! Its a much needed break, especially considering this month is going to be pretty hectic!
  • Our worship team has been asked to play at a couple events this month. 2 Nights next week when some prophetic speakers (Ben and Brenda Peters) are coming to speak - one night at the christian school theatre and one night at our church. The other event is the intercessory prayer meeting. I am super excited, its a great opportunity and blessing for our team to do this!!! I feel like everyone has grown in their gifts and now God has given us this opportunity!
And thats about it for now....

Well TTYL!!!
