Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chapters of October

Happy October!

We're 9 days (nearly 10) into the month and so much has happened in such a short little week.

Last Sunday one of my co-workers was killed in car accident on the Coquihalla near Merritt. I was so shocked by the news. Les was a beautiful red headed woman who lit up the room when she walked in. She wore pink fearlessly and aways drew little pictures for me on the data entry she would submit. Life is so precious, it's something we should never take for granted.

Sunday night Bran and I attended River City Church and really enjoyed it. I saw so many old friends. Some I havent seen in years, some in months. It was really refreshing and somewhat odd to go to Church and not be racing around trying to get things ready for the service. They had a special speaker from Washington come in because it was their one year church anniversary. After his message there was a time of prayer. Bran and I stuck around for a while but then after about half an hour we thought it was about time to go. Just as we were about to leave, the pastor, Keith, grabbed our shoulders and said he wanted to pray for us and that he had a word for us. He said in exactly 3 months something big was going to happen for us and that we have 3 months to prepare and get ready for it. This was on October 3rd. He told us to write it down, so here I am writing it down. I totally believe God has a plan for us.

Part of what Pastor Keith was talking about was not always having "no" to bad things, but also having to say "no" to some good things which we dont always think of. "Good" is not always God's plan - he is greater than that. Bran had a job offer in Vanouver and we really had to pray about it and weigh out the benefits and consequences. Alot of it was really good. He would be paid substantially more and it would be a nice change for us to get out of Kamloops. But, after praying. it didn't feel completely right so he decided to turn down the offer.

We turned down that offer because we have to believe there is a purpose for us matter how discouraged and alone we sometimes feel!

Tonight we had Jan and Coral over tonight - what a great encouraging couple! They have had years of experience in ministry and have been really wonderful to talk to. We feel like we are all on the same page with things.

I can't quite say yet, but I had an opportunity and I dove into it. We'll see what happens. TBA.

I went to Johnny Reid's concert on Tuesday night with my mom and sister. He is a spectacular performer. There was such a sense of peace and calmness at the arena. His whole theme was a "place called love" and it actually felt like taht there. No one from the audience was rowdy or out of line. It was like the spirit of God was resting in there, so unusual, so nice. He is a Scottish country singer, who would have thunk? His music hardly sounds country. If it is country, it's like its blended with R and B with the sultry voice of Rod Stewart. I will definitely be seeing this classy dude again!

Speaking of concerts, I will be seeing concert numero three on October 19th. The Bieber-meister. I can't quite say I am a cougar, I am thinking a jag-u-ar would be a good name. Hahaha. Its going to be in Vancouver. We were just there to see Gaga!

A few weeks ago I was writing that I was feeling kind of isolated and lonley. Well, things are so much better now. I have got in contact with an older friend again. Not that we have ever stopped being friends but sometimes it has been hard to stay in contact. So thats been fun. Also, hanging out with the posse..........some of my sisters friends. We have alot of fun together. I would, however, love to have a friend that was exactly like me. Hahahahhaha!! :) Okeee........not possible. Well maybe, but probably not going to happen! Anyways, I thank God for good friends!!

I just think BRANDON is the bee's knees. He is the greatest husband on the earth. I love him so much and so proud of all he has accomplished, and how he treats me ;) We are a great match for each other, I can;t imagine being with anybody else. God has really blessed me!!

My grandparents were over last weekend. We all had a great time together. Spent some time with them at my mom's house and then had them over for dinner at our house. Made chicken cacciatore. So easy when you got yourself a crock pot! We received 2 of them as wedding gifts and they have been used so often!!

WELL thats all for now.


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