Saturday, November 26, 2011

3 Month Update

WARNING: Baby brain. This post may be written with poor grammar, poor spelling and discombobulated articulation. 

Soooo - HELLO! :) 
Yes, we are still alive and kickin! 

Elijah turned 3 months old last Sunday (Nov 20) and with that came a lovely growth spurt. Sounds like rainbows, unicorns and lollipops but what a growth spurt really entails is: waking up 3 times a night (instead of his 11-7 sleep), weird eating patterns (one day not eating much, the next eating TONS), fussiness with inconsolable crying etc. 

A week later, he is back to his angel self. :) 
Slept from 11 to napping right happy and content again.

PHEWF. :) 
Make's life so much more easier, ahha.

Well gotta go for now but just wanted to say hellooo! :) 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Clean The House

As I was folding laundry and admiring all the hard work I had done cleaning up the house, I felt like my mind was cleared and felt a strange sense of "re-motivation" (is that a word?) to get back into scrap booking, writing, and any other creative activity I had forsaken due to living in a messy house and having no time do anything.
[[Note: No time due to baby which requires all your time and efforts -- lol]]

It was also at that moment that I felt God speak to me.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says ""Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  Therefore honor God with your body,"

Just as cleaning up your house gives you a sense of clarity and a sense of "ahhhhh" - cleaning up your life gives you an even BIGGER sense of "aaaaahhh."

Humans are busy creatures. Women? Even worse.
We need to look after the house, the kids, the job, the volunteer activities, the yard, the personal appearance...and oops, the husband!
We get so busy that we often neglect ourselves.

There's a lot of ways we can neglect ourselves.

  • No time to exercise or cook nutritious meals = Weight gain!!!!! (which equals poor self esteem...etc etc etc)
  • No time to get our hair done = look at those 2 inch roots and fried ends! (lol) 
  • No time to relax = when you can only take a bath for 5 minutes without candles...that is NOT relaxing!! 
  • No time to do the things you love = you need an outlet to feel purposeful! 
The main way we neglect ourselves though is......we neglect our relationship with God. And when that is neglected...well we've thrown away the access to FULL love and peace and joy and all those beautiful fruits.
Sure, you can have a relationship where you meet Him every Sunday morning, but would you be OK only seeing your husband once a week for 3 hours??

So, flex those spiritual muscles! 
Eat the bread of life!
Drink of the everlasting waters! 
.....take care of your body! 
Take care of you! 

Your body is a temple! 

When you clear your mind of worries and anxieties, and you turn from sin - you will feel a beautiful sense of clarity, and re-invigoration -----it will be amazing how much more you'll enjoy life.

I am challenging myself TODAY to seek after God whole heartedly. 
I don't want to be "busy" and "distracted" when there is so much more in life.....