Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Present

It's a beautiful day..........for me to clean my house! I've got the tunes cranked, the windows opened, and ......a few piles of laundry for me to fold.

Hope to fit a walk into my day, as it's actually not raining. 2010 has been a year of rain for Kamloops making me believe at times that I am living on the coast and not the interior!

Hot dry summer of Kamloops, where wast thou?
We had so much rain without even the satisfaction of loud thunder and flashes of lightening that sends you under your bed so fast with your hands around your ears....


Anyways, today is a beautiful day.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


"Where will we turn when our world falls apart and all the treasures stored in our barns can't buy the kingdom of God, and who will we praise when we praised all our lives men who build kingdoms and build fame but heaven does not know their names, and what are we going to fear when all the remains is God on the throne with a child in his arms and love in His eyes and the sound of his heart cries TAKE US WAY BEYOND RELIGION, WAY BEYOND THE MINDS OF MEN. "

-Jason Upton

Monday, September 6, 2010

Arise, Mighty Warrior

When the weight of the world becomes too much to bear, sometimes you just need to shed your skin and break free from expectations and responsibilities.

Pull the curtain aside and step through, have a seat and breathe. Allow yourself to ENJOY life.

I don't have many people in my life who really understand the path my husband and I are on - the path of being in ministry.

I don't have many friends in my life who could recognize when the stress has become so unbearable that I couldn't function day to day. (I had them fooled. In fact, I had myself fooled.)

I resent that I have been seen as "busy." To me, "busy" implies that you don't place importance on relationships.

Sometimes I just wish someone had pulled me aside, and asked me if I was OK.
Sometimes I just wish someone had said they had recognized that I was fading I didn't have to go through such a dark, low time in my life.

God has healed me, and is continuing to heal open wounds. As I rise in His strength, I will use those hard times as a testimony of His grace in my life.

I don't know much, all I know is that God is faithful.

He is my portion.

He is the glory and the lifter of my head.

He is my present help in time of need.

He is my Savior, Redeemer and strong tower of refuge.

When I feel alone, or misunderstood, He is who I will run to.

I really didnt intend on writing on this, but here you go.
Obviously, it was on my heart tonight.
Maybe I'll sleep well now.... ;)

Love, Nay-Nay