Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sparkle and Shine

Well, prayer meeting was really awesome last night!!!

We often start with a few minutes of just playing music softly while people can reflect on their favourite Psalms or have some quiet time with God to maybe get back on track again or whatever they need. Then we go into some free worship.

As we were going to sing “We Will Dance” in C….I played C and C/F for a little while and found playing those 2 chords really work when you want to go into free worship. It allows people to create their own melodies as they sing the Psalms or whatever they feel led to do.

(I am writing this down now so I can note it for later!)

Another great chord progression is EM D C D with four- four timing. The sound is kind of moody, I love it. I *heart* minors!!!!

As I have mentioned before, I really enjoy our prayer meetings. They are completely unconventional. Its music and prayer intertwined and I find it’s a really effective way to keep the people engaged and most importantly allowing the Spirit to move freely. I also find it a wonderful time to develop skills. It’s pushed me out of the “box” (which I don’t want to be in!) and I feel it’s drawn me closer to God. The more you use your gifting, the more you feel closer to God.

I know the word “gifting” is very cliché in the “Christian World.” The last thing I want to be is in the “cliché” club. But, God’s gifts are very, very real and we’re told not to forsake them! He is the Father of Lights; every perfect gift comes from Him. I don’t have a Bible with me right now, but in the New Testament it talks about how we as humans, being evil, know how to give good gifts – how much more does your Father in heaven know how to give good gifts? He is the ultimate giver! He is the ultimate creator too, so you can’t get any better than that!

Santa needs his elves to make gifts, God creates and designs gifts and gives them himself!! =)

Have you ever thought about your gifting?

When I saw Darlene Zschech (Worship Leader, Hillsong Music Australia) at a woman’s conference in May 2003 she talked about gifting and calling. Often we tremble and dread at the thought of using our gifts because heaven forbid we have to see all of our belongings and move to the poorest, remote area of the world. For some, this is a reality. For others, you may never have to do that! Quite often, what you ENJOY doing, is what God has gifted you in!

For me, I LOVE music. I love listening to it, going to concerts, singing, playing the piano etc. It was all very natural for me to jump into that arena. Natural, but not easy. Haha. I remember being so scared of the microphone. But after my mom resigned her role as the worship leader, I had no choice to dive right in there, sink or swim! Thank God, I think I have been able to swim….haha. The microphone is no longer a fear, lol. And I feel most alive when I am behind my piano!

So are you still thinking about YOUR gifting?

Maybe you’re creative. Perhaps you love to scrapbook, or make cards, or scarves. Think of the people you could bless by handing them one of your home made cards, or giving a knitted scarf to someone in need!

Maybe you’re analytical! Perhaps you could challenge people and get their thought processes going! Maybe you could find the cure to cancer, or create a detailed plan that would help a person or business get organized.

There are so many opportunities – it is simply endless.

Not one gift is less significant than another. The only way they will be insignificant is if you choose not to use them!

You don’t have to be in the spotlight to shine!!!

Just shine wherever you are…..


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