Sunday, October 17, 2010


I am not entirely sure what I am going to write about, but I ache to write right now. It gets my mind off the world.

I feel really sick to my stomach right now *barf.* Not too sure why. Perhaps my dear friend stress has come back into my life. We were friends in the past, but now 'he' has worn out his welcome!!!

Speaking of friends, let me introduce you to my dear sweet friend, 'fake eyelashes.' I tell you no lie, they are an instant face lift, and when you are nearing 25, you want a face lift. ;) I was actually inspired when I watched Lady Gaga perform in Vancouver. She had a beautiful sweep of black eyeliner way past the crease of her eyes complimented by these thick beautiful eyelashes. I have been hooked ever since. Application is quite easy actually, after you have done it a few times. The first time I tried to apply them, I think I ended up throwing the lashes out without even wearing them because they got all glued over and messed up. You can wear pretty much no makeup except for these glorious lashes, and you'll look like a diva. I wasnt wearing them for a long time because they are sooo dern expensive, but I found out they sell them at Winners for cheap. I just bought a 5 packer for only 7.99. Thank you Winners, you saved the day once again.

The Justin Bieber concert approaches fast. I shall be seeing this young lad in 2 sleeps and a 3.5 hr drive. Whooopeee! I think seeing this perfectly coiffed kid fast tracks me into the 'cougar' category. To commemorate this wonderful coming of age, I have purchased this beautiful gold diamond encrusted jaguar necklace. It is absolutely fabulous and I plan to wear it to the Bieber concert. Muhahah!! Raaawwwrrr!

Alas this shall be the last concert of 2010 for me. Unless by some miracle some other artist comes to Kamloops or thereabouts. :( Lady Gaga was outstanding, I wish I could go back to there.

In the last week, I have had a little family of mice sneak into my house which has been very upsetting. Bahhhhhh I hate it. I have named them Alejandro, Roberto and Fernando after Lady Gaga's song. Yes, they are a little gang of Mexican mice. I think only Alejandro is alive. Don't call my name Alejando. o_o

Well that should be all for meooowww...


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