Saturday, October 23, 2010

62 Days 'til Christmas

"OOOOh the weather outside is weeeeaaaather!"
-Paul Rudd (Forgetting Sarah Marshall)


62 days until Christmas. How fabulous is that! Here is my first attempt of welcoming in the season:

I REALLY love lazy Saturday mornings. Just youtubing music videos and drinking English Breakfast Tea - yummm!!

I remember when I was younger, absolutely LOVING watching music videos. I would have the VCR all ready just so I could tape my favorite songs like anything by Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys, and most importantly, Celine Dion. Since then, I would say Much Music hardly plays videos, but I did discover they still do at some points during the day. I have set my PVR to record the show and then I watch the videos with no commercials, LOOOVE IT! Brings me back to old times. Discovered some great songs.........and some not so great songs.

The same goes to listening to the top 40 countdown on the radio. Me and Jen would have our cassettes ready to tape songs so that we had mix tapes! One song we always wanted on our tapes was "500 Miles" by Proclaimers. Haha. We always thought it was a funny song, I still do!

I feel like goign to a movie today, but I highly doubt that I will. Paranormal Activity 2 is out. I know better then to see it,but I probably will at some point. Shoooot! :) Also would like to see the Social Network and Jackass 3.

We saw "The Town" a few weeks back with Ben Affleck. Pretty sweet movie. Reminds me alot of the Departed. Love Boston accents!! :) BTW I am not saying that is what makes the Town similar to the Departed..........FYI. ;)

Well, thats it for now.

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