Sunday, July 24, 2011

July Update

I can hardly believe it's July 24th already. I blame that on our crazy weather!

Kamloops is known for long, dry, HOT summers.
What have we had?

Thunder and Lightening.
A hot day here and there.

Some of us may start getting confused and think that we are living in Vancouver......

I have been off on "sick leave" since July 5th until this baby is born sometime in early August. I had a picture in my minds eye of drives to the Shuswap to float in the warm lake......lying by my dad's pool and soaking up the sun.....and trying to escape the hot sun by hiding in my cold, cold basement.

None of these have really come to pass.

We drove to the Shuswap last week only to turn back as the sun was eclipsed by threatening clouds. My dad's pool? Still relatively green and cloudy - there has been no point in keeping it up when the weather has been crappy! And my cold basement? Well, yes we are using it - but thats because thats where our theatre room is...and when the weather is rainy and crappy what do you do? Watch movies.

So, I have watched movies. And more movies. Aaaand more movies.So many movies that I have sunken to a new level watching films like "Piranha" and ...wait for it...."Mega Shark vs. Crocosauras" LOL.  :)

So yes, this baby should be born any day/week now. At latest 4 weeks from now...

We are pretty ready. Got the cradle, the car seat, the stroller, the bags packed, registered at the hospital. Doctors appointments have moved from every 2 weeks to EVERY week now. Yikes. Its hard to believe that we have come to this already! I am really excited for snuggles and baby kisses....from our own son! Wowwww....
I am so in love already and can hardly wait to meet him.

My body feels beat up pretty good, but its worth it.

Well gotta go for now.
