Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Can Handle It

Weekends go by so fast!

I have a bad habit of wishing weeks away so that the weekend can come. Without even realizing it, I am wishing away 5 days of my life just so I can enjoy 2 days without work. That's a really bad idea. Then when we hit 50,60, 70 - we wonder how we got there so fast?

Life flies by fast enough without trying to wish away those 5 Mon-Fri days.

I have to admit that partly I wish for the weekend because it's like sprinting to that finish line. As soon as your feet cross over the line, you can finally have a cool sip of water to drink, you can sit down and breathe in and out after a 10K marathon.

For me, life feels like that.

I look back at my early 20's and I laugh because I thought I was so busy back then...

Sure, I was busy working full time. But I was also busy playing PS3 Call of Duty, going tubing down the river, having "Book Club Meetings" etc.

I look at my life today (at 27) and I think I AM BUSY and I am lucky if I get to have a bath. I am lucky if I can check my Facebook ...and maybe just maybe upload pictures from my camera to the computer. I am lucky if I can watch a movie without any interruptions.
I am lucky if I can go to work with a shirt with no food crumbs on my shoulder.

Sure, I am slightly envious of my "younger days" - living care free.

There are days when I don't want to cook for my family, and do their laundry.
I don't want to change diapers, and I don't even want my husband to hug me. There are days I just want to be alone, and go to sleep, all by myself. No interruptions.

But of course, I get an evening alone, and I can't wait for my son to wake up so I can come lift him out of his crib so I can snuggle him. And I can't wait for my husband to come out of his "man cave" to give me a kiss and tell each other we love each other...

I love my life today. I love who surrounds me. I love who I have become. While life is crazy, and busy, and I feel sometimes it's not even my own life is exactly where and what it should be....

Sometimes mama just needs to breath....
and blog a little so her day doesn't seem so overwelming.



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