Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy New Year!

I confess, it has been a few months since I last blogged! It has been on my mind many times, even my blog was asking me to write!

Let me explain why the neglect:
  • BUSY (aka I have a life? J/K)
  • Brandon bought me a little net book so I have been using that as a private journal for myself. It's my baby - fits right into my purse!!!
  • I didn't know if anybody even read this?
  • Excuses, excuses, excuses.
Anyways, after a nice chat with Andrea yesterday in Starbucks, I found out I really do have at least one reader! So heres a little SHOUT OUT to Andrea! :) And heres to a new start! Oh and a shout out to anyone who stumbles here...


~Happy New Year to all!~

So far 2010 has been a good year! Any new years resolutions? I have a few! I am not huge on them though because every year I epically fail at reaching my goals! So if I dont set high standards, it wont hurt as much to fall. Haha!

I think one of my biggest goals this year is to introduce some new songs to our church. I have been writing some lyrics for the last few years, and just started to set them to music this last year! I have been to shy to show anybody in the past, but this year feels really right!! I have had a few people share prophetic words with me that God is going to give me songs to write, and other people simply encourage me in this. It's funny because this has always been a secret desire in my heart, and then God gives a word to someone I never met before and shares my secret with them. God confounds the wise, right.
It's kind of like leading worship. I ALWAYS wanted to, but never felt like I was good enough or even where to start! But, bam, God set everything into order and here we are! I love it!!!

Another goal is to lose some weight! I am happy to share with you, I have lost 4.2 pounds this last week! Whoohoo! I'm sure that's just Christmas weight, haha! But, it's a step!

I am glad the weekend is only 2 days away! Last weekend I spent a whole Saturday watching episode after episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" - what a great show. Definitely a top favorite of mine! It is based on the life and acted by Larry David - the co-creator of Seinfeld. If you like Seinfeld, then this show will definitely fill that void that was left by the Seinfeld gang. It's the same rambling conversations about everyday situations. lol. For example, tipping! Larry went out for lunch with Jason Alexander (Actor who played George Costanza) and Larry HAD to know how much Jason tipped so he could know how much she should tip. He didnt want to be undertipped. LOL. Oh boy oh boy. So good!!!

Anyways - will be back soon!
Chow for now!

1 comment:

  1. So first of all I am quite proud to have inspired you to blog again:) Personally a little excited about this blogging business we got going here. I am total going to need help making mine look pretty. See you tuesday my friend...p.s I think its great you are going to start singing your songs, and was going to talk to you about it and then you mentioned it...kool!
